2 Siblings? Alike or Not?

posted on May 18, 2023 by Lyn Cote

Do you have siblings? And are you similar in some ways or just very different? I could share about my own family since I had an older brother and a younger sister. However, I’m going to talk about the two kittens I adopted September 1, 2022. It has been an interesting time getting to see… Read More

4 The Power of ‘What If?’

posted on May 16, 2023 by Diana Lloyd

Not everyone can pinpoint an exact date, time, and comment that saved their life. I can. One cold, wet, February day in 2020, I drove myself to the ER with a sharp, hot, pain in my chest. A septal infarct survivor, I didn’t mess around with chest pain. The good news was that it wasn’t… Read More

3 Redeeming the Characters We Love to Hate

posted on May 15, 2023 by Lisa Kessler

By Lisa Kessler The Captain’s Curse releases today! This book features the immortal pirate captain, Ian Flynn. It’s the final book in the Sentinels of Savannah series, and if you’ve read the series, you already know that Flynn has made some questionable choices throughout his 250 years on this earth. But here’s my confession…He’s captivated… Read More


posted on May 9, 2023 by Julie Hammerle

PLAYING FOR KEEPS was a tough book for me to write. I’d always had the meet cute in mind – a security guard is called to investigate a woman who is disturbing the peace, by eating ice cream while wearing beaver slippers – but it took me a while to really get to excavate the… Read More

1 Aah, Memories

posted on May 3, 2023 by Sheila Roberts

Preparing to write my novel, Mermaid Beach, which is set both on the Washington Coast and in Nashville, TN, involved some research, and a trip down Memory Lane. Which, for this project, happens to be in Nashville. There’s a lot of myself in my mother-daughter-granddaughter band The Mermaids. In my younger years I played in… Read More

2 My Inspiration

posted on April 25, 2023 by Tina Gabrielle

Thank you for having me! I’m happy to talk about my background and what inspired me to write my latest historical romance, How Not to Marry a Duke. I grew up in the restaurant business and my Armenian family owned a restaurant for thirty years. I worked as a tween rolling silverware in napkins. As… Read More

2 Friends and Fans Become Family

posted on April 19, 2023 by Jodi Thomas

Being a writer is a very lonely job. We work hundreds of hours to produce a book with nobody to talk to. But it’s all worth it when a fan comes up and says they love your book. Some of my fans have become friends for life. I love it when they blog about my… Read More

5 Writing vs Re-Writing

posted on April 18, 2023 by A.J. Locke

What I love about being a writer is that no matter how long you do it, you will always be learning. And I enjoy that I get to continually learn things that help me improve my craft or open me up to things I hadn’t considered before. One thing I recently learned about myself was… Read More

5 Do you like dogs? 

posted on April 17, 2023 by roxannerustand

Do you like dogs?  I love slipping favorite horses and other pets into my novels when it works for the story, and this new release is no exception. Read on to find out why our Schipperke Cinder became known far too well in our rural area! LETHAL PURSUIT, a Christian Romantic Suspense novel, is out… Read More

Cruising for a Setting

posted on April 4, 2023 by Laura Brown

A setting can sometimes make or break a story, or an author trying to create a story. Settings can be a silent background member, adding ambiance and subtle support. Or settings can be larger than life, a character with their own agenda. In A Cruise Fling, my next romcom, the cruise ship setting is very… Read More

46 Sports Romance – a favorite of mine to write and read

posted on March 27, 2023 by Aliyah Burke

Hello and good morning! Thanks for hanging out with me today. I love writing sports romance. To me there’s something touching about the sports player, male or female, who is used to getting pretty much anything and everything they want because of their ‘star’ status having to work for the one thing I feel all… Read More

What Do a Scientist and a Spy See in Each Other?

posted on March 23, 2023 by Christi Barth

I had an author friend once tell me that your hero and heroine should be the absolute worst people in the world for each other. Anything less just wouldn’t be compelling enough to keep readers turning pages. My personal feeling is that’s a tad, well, overboard. But the basic idea definitely creates conflict. Which is… Read More