posted on May 18, 2023 by Lyn Cote

Siblings? Alike or Not?

Do you have siblings? And are you similar in some ways or just very different?

I could share about my own family since I had an older brother and a younger sister. However, I’m going to talk about the two kittens I adopted September 1, 2022. It has been an interesting time getting to see how different they both are, even though they are littermates and look almost identical.

The first one I named Lovey, but I could also have called him, Rebel, Rascal, or Climber. He loves to “push the envelope.  He knows what he is not supposed to do, but he doesn’t want to obey all the time. Of course, he is only the equivalent of a four or five-year-old in human years so I have to understand that his sudden impulses and impetuous behavior are to be expected!

The other thing is that he is a born predator. He wants to hunt. But we live in the woods where there are a lot of things that eat cats. And the road near our property is very busy. So he cannot go outside to hunt. I have begun putting some bait out on a mat near our sliding glass door so he can watch squirrels, chipmunks, etc. come up to the door. He watches them avidly and wishes his mom wasn’t so mean.

His brother, when we named Browser, could also have been named Chowhound. He loves his food and he’s very treat-oriented whereas his brother is fun-oriented. He also has already matured more quickly than his brother and just wants to get along. He’s very loving, but he does not want me to pick him up or hold him. Lovey, on the other hand, climbs up on my lap for loves a couple times a day and is very much a lap cat. Browser (whom I also call Brow-Brow) prefers birds over furry prey. He will jump to the window when he catches sight of one and makes a fun growly noise in his throat.

I chose this topic because my new series, “The Preacher’s Daughters,” is the story of three sisters: Hannah, Abby and Lucy. I won’t reveal which they are—alike or different. But I think you’ll find them an interesting trio of heroines, starting with Book 1, HANNAH’S HOMETOWN HERO.

Can a shy girl find her moxie and win her hometown hero?  Or “let” him win her?

Here’s a glimpse:

Guthrie couldn’t speak.

Reaching over, he pulled Hannah to him. He just wanted to comfort her. But the feeling of her softness in his arms went to his head. He kissed her hair, fragrant of spices, then her eyebrows. Her eyes closed. He kissed her eyelids, first one, then the other. Petal soft. Such softness brought feelings, emotions bubbling up from deep inside him.

Tilting up her chin, Hannah smoothed back his golden hair, then rested her hand on his chest.

A warmth, healing and vital, flowed through him like a cleansing prayer. ‘Hannah, you’re a wonderful woman. You make me believe…’ Maybe he might get a second chance, after all.”

Click here to learn more.

So I’ve told about the brothers in our house. Are your siblings similar or very different tham you are? I will gift a copy of this book to a few commenters. Tell me about your siblings to enter the drawing.

Lyn Cote

Lyn Cote

USA Today best-selling author of over 40 romances, Lyn Cote writes award-winning contemporary and historical romance. Her brand is "Strong Women, Brave Stories." Her books feature a strong heroine, often a multi-cultural cast of characters and authentic history or contemporary life. She lives with her real life hero in a lakeside cottage in the northwoods with two fun cats. (She loves dogs too. :-)

Lyn Cote Contest

Lyn Cote is giving away an ebook copy of OMINOUS MIDSUMMER to one winner.  

Enter Here

2 thoughts on “Siblings? Alike or Not?”

  1. Colleen C. says:

    My sisters and I are so different in personalities… I am shy, love to read, enjoy the quiet, plan things out… my middle sister is the social butterfly, busy bee, always late, and drives me crazy… my youngest sister is friendly but not a social butterfly, she loves old movies, hard worker, sarcastic, and entertaining. My middle sister and I look alike but the youngest and I get along the best.

    1. Lyn says:

      Very interesting family, Colleen! Glad you have one sister you get long with best.

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