posted on October 27, 2022 by Lyn Cote

Why I Screamed!

Last month I wrote about my new kitties and the mixup at the animal shelter. If you missed it, you might want to read it here. But I also said that this month I would tell you what we had named the kitties. I named one Lovey because he’s my lapcat and my husband named the other Browser because he’s always searching around everywhere, a very 21st-century name, don’t you think?

But now I’ll tell why I screamed. The cats had only been with us for about a week and it was Sunday. My husband was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch, and I was sitting at my computer working. I looked out my office window to the front porch that goes across the whole front of our house overlooking the lake.

Now you must realize that we live on the upper level of our house. It’s kind of like living in a treehouse in the forest. The day was balmy so I had left the sliding glass door out in the great room open with the screen shut. But evidently not latched.

Out my window I glimpsed Lovey on the porch railing! Then he leaped off! I screamed. And ran out, gathered my husband who went down and shooed the cat and his brother back up the hill to our door. Fortunately the cats already knew the word “treat” before they came.

Unfortunately now Lovey wants to go back out. That’s dangerous since I live in the woods. Things here eat cats so I have to keep the sliding glass door shut. That will become easier when the temperatures begin to drop below freezing. I’m tempted to take him out and drop him in the snow give him another taste of “outside.”  And of course, in spite of  the leap Lovey was fine—cats are amazing! And unpredictable! Who knew?

To celebrate the beginning of the holiday season,  my Opposites Attract Special Collection Complete Series Books 1-4 will be 91% off the usual price $9.99 Oct 22-28th. That’s 99 cents for 4 of my ebooks! An early Christmas gift to my readers!

“Sparks fly between opposites in this unputdownable complete series! As they face shadowy mysteries, four couples join forces to overcome challenges — and find life-changing love along the way. A page-turning collection filled with romance, suspense, and faith.”


Four hurting couples find opposites do attract even in the dark shadow of mystery~

Opposites do attract. Yet true love never runs smooth. That’s true in small towns and big city neighborhoods. Especially when mysteries intrude. Who is hacking into sensitive medical center records? Stealing valuable antiques? And why has a father of twin boys disappeared? These questions and more stress families already dealing with alcoholism, broken vows, and the loss of loved ones. But hope abounds. Faith can face anything. And love never fails.

Only Her HeartOpposites Attract Book 1
What will it take for a clueless computer genius to notice the loving woman at the desk beside him? And who is the hacker who is endangering lives?

The Heart HopesOpposites Attract Book 2
What could unite a disgruntled DA and the pretty teacher, responsible for his hung jury? Perhaps a little boy in need of love.

Two Hearts DeniedOpposites Attract Book 3
Each bearing a different heartbreaking past—a lovely, young lawyer and a hardened detective—what can break the barriers that stand between them and a future together? And can they find the missing father of two little guys?

A Heart of StoneOpposites Attract Book 4
A baby girl’s future hangs in the balance and sparks a heart-rending mystery~Why Cash’s only sister willed guardianship of her baby to her best friend instead of him.



Lyn Cote

Lyn Cote

USA Today best-selling author of over 40 romances, Lyn Cote writes award-winning contemporary and historical romance. Her brand is "Strong Women, Brave Stories." Her books feature a strong heroine, often a multi-cultural cast of characters and authentic history or contemporary life. She lives with her real life hero in a lakeside cottage in the northwoods with two fun cats. (She loves dogs too. :-)

Lyn Cote Contest

Lyn Cote is giving away an ebook copy of OMINOUS MIDSUMMER to one winner.  

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One thought on “Why I Screamed!”

  1. Amber says:

    Cute cat names and I understand living in the wild; my boy turned 2 today and he’s a small dog that doesn’t go out alone just too many wild animals.

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