Loving the Anti-Hero and a $10 Amazon gift card giveaway!

on May 12, 2021

Everyone who reads romance will freely admit that there is something they love about the alpha, the jerk, the man who does everything he can to claim the heroine, even if some of it can be sketchy. But what about the anti-hero? You know the one. He or she may be a main character but… Read More

Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amok around her Texas ranch.


Finding Creativity by Magan Vernon, author of Heired Lines

on May 15, 2020

Hey y’all, I felt like given the state of…well…everything, this might be a timely post. I guess I should start out saying that I had written over forty stories and when my editor asked for a new one about a couple in England I was stumped. I had no mojo or idea what to write… Read More

Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amok around her Texas ranch.
