Top Five Ways to Stay Focused on Writing

on September 16, 2019

#1. Make sure to create a space where you can focus completely on writing. Sometimes, this means laying on top of a pile of unfolded laundry while your child insists you are a giant creature that his lego spaceship HAS to land on and vanquish. Think deeply about your plot and your characters while not… Read More

Shoeaholic 101

on June 17, 2016

by Melia Alexander Let’s face it. Life’s too short to wear a pair of less-than-perfect shoes for an outfit. And not everyone’s a shoe shopping pro, so for the shoeaholic wannabe, here are my top three pieces of advice. 1)      Fortify yourself. Like preparing for a strenuous workout, make sure your body’s well fed. There… Read More

Melia Alexander

Melia Alexander

Melia Alexander is the author of sassy, sexy, fun contemporary romances, but is also fortunate to spend her week days at The Male Observation Lab (a.k.a. her job at a construction company) where she gets to observe guys in their natural habitat. Though they often behave like typical alpha males, she's often seen through their personas to the heart of who they really are - the heroes of their own stories. A native of Guam, Melia traded in warm, tropical breezes for the rainy Pacific Northwest. She's an avid reader who also loves romantic comedies - preferably with a glass of Cab Sauv and a box of dark chocolates nearby. In her free time, she's busy conquering her CrossFit fears: ring dips, power cleans, and the dreaded 800 meter run.