posted on April 13, 2016 by Paula Altenburg

What’s on your Bucket List?

by Paula Altenburg

Bucket ListI have a bucket list.

I keep it in no particular order. In some ways it’s a very modest list. In others, it’s quite ambitious. Willpower is probably the greatest expenditure I’ll ever have to make.

I dream about running. I used to run 10 kilometres (that’s 6 miles to my American friends) three or four times a week and it’s addictive. I thought when I switched to working from home fulltime I’d have more time to work out, but the exact opposite happened and I haven’t been running in months. Today I got back at it. Four kilometres of walking/running almost did me in. At least I showed up.

#1 on my bucket list is to train for and run a half-marathon distance.

Writing is something else I’ve put a lot of time and effort into. Right now I have fourteen books published with a few more in the pipeline. I don’t really write with a particular type of audience in mind. I write for my characters and I’ve dipped into self-publishing so I can write the stories they want me to tell. After all, they’re people too, and deserve to be heard. Am I right? Or are the voices in my head talking too loud?

#2 on my bucket list is to write a ten-book series.

I get giddy in museums. The history! My imagination kicks into overdrive and I can spend hours. I also love to travel, but I’m as happy traveling by book as I am by plane.  Physically, I’ve been to some beautiful places all over Europe, North America, and the Caribbean. The places that stick with me, however, are the ones I read about as a child. I’ve been to the desert both as a reader (thank you, Louis L’Amour!) and as a tourist, so I can cross that off my list. But Greece and the ruins…

#3 on my bucket list is to visit the Parthenon.

I’m a teacher’s daughter. Our mother encouraged us to ask questions. She was a single mother who didn’t have a lot of extra spending money, but she made sure we had a set of encyclopedia in the house. (I’ve just dated myself.) Dinner conversations usually involved someone having to look something up because she wouldn’t give us the answers. Thanks to her I loved university. I’ve taken plenty of additional courses over the years, too. Learning is a lifelong experience. You’re never too old to learn something new.

#4 on my bucket list is to go back to school and get a second degree.

I’m not the most social of people. Don’t get me wrong. I like people, but my ideal crowd is a maximum of five. I prefer conversation and coffee to loud music and drinking. I love going out to lunch with one or two friends at a time. Having lunch with my sisters and brother is perfect. If I invite you into my home, or to spend time with me and my family, you’re being granted a huge honor.  And, of course, the characters in my books count. I spend hours and hours with those people. But I need to socialize with actual human beings more often or I’m going to turn into a creepy old cat lady, and I’m not really all that fond of cats.

#5 on my bucket list is to throw more parties.

There you have it. Except for that trip to Greece, overall I think I’m pretty low maintenance. Now tell me—what’s on your bucket list?

Itemizing isn’t enough. I’d like to know why you’ve put things on your list, too.

Her Secret, His Surprise
by Paula Altenburg

Re-release of newly edited version: 4/11/16

HerSecretHisSurprise_recover_2_500Special sale price! Her Secret, His Surprise will be on sale for $.99 for a limited time only!

Conflict of interest is an understatement…

Since being disowned by her strict father, Cass Stone has spent her adulthood trying to prove him wrong. Her drive has led to more success than her family ever thought she’d achieve, and life is looking great. Not even an incredible and mysterious one night stand that leaves her a single mom can trip her up…until the father of her baby stumbles back into her life, as sexy as ever.

Logan Alexander hasn’t forgotten the night he spent with Cass two years ago, but he never expects to end up undercover as her assistant. His job saves lives—like it should have saved his brother—and he can’t afford complications. It’s difficult enough to maintain his cover as a carefree wanderer when he realizes his attraction to Cass hasn’t faded…and then he meets Cass’s daughter.

**Note: this title was originally released July 14, 2014 and has been updated to be a closed door Bliss.






Paula Altenburg

Paula Altenburg

Paula Altenburg lives in rural Nova Scotia, Canada, with her husband and two sons. Once a manager in the aerospace industry, she now enjoys working from home and writing fulltime. Paula writes fantasy and paranormal romance, as well as short contemporary romance.

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