What story were you born to write?

on January 4, 2022

Every aspiring author has a unique story that they’re destined to tell. Think about it: nobody else in the world has your brain, your ideas, and your life experiences. When I began plotting The Helheim Princess, I knew right away that this was the story I was born to write. It combines everything I love—women… Read More

Tiana Warner

Tiana Warner

Tiana Warner is an LGBTQ+ author from British Columbia, Canada, best known for her critically acclaimed "Mermaids of Eriana Kwai" trilogy and its comic adaptation. Tiana is a lifelong horseback rider, a former programmer with a Computer Science degree, and an outdoor enthusiast who loves to explore nature with her musician boyfriend and their hyperactive rescue mutt, Joey. Find her online at tianawarner.com and on Instagram and Twitter @tianawarner.



on August 10, 2021

For me, creating a playlist for a story is a fundamental part of the writing process. And I usually have to make two. The first is for writing with which contains a lot of instrumental pieces from movies/tv shows/games with similar vibes. And the second is a short one with a few songs that serve… Read More

Charlotte Anne Hamilton

Charlotte Anne Hamilton

Charlotte Anne Hamilton is a blue-haired mermaid-wannabe who lives in Ayrshire, Scotland with her two fur-children, Izzy (chocolate lab) and Smudge (queen cat). She is currently studying Astronomy and Planetary Science and in her spare time she enjoys reading and gaming, as well as dabbling in all forms of art and her craft as an eclectic witch. Her main source of inspiration in writing and in life is the popular phrase: "but make it gay".
