The Remembering

by Melody Ash

Kindle Press

Paranormal Romance: Fantasy

May 21, 2022

Available in: e-Book

The Remembering
by Melody Ash

Lani Newman worked hard for her nice, quiet life, sans the chaos and trauma of her childhood. But when a ripple of power snags her attention, her best friend rips off the rose-colored glasses and she must choose: remain in the world of ignorance she created or face reality. Either one could get her killed.

Melody Ash's Bio

Melody grew up loving the endless possibilities fantasy and Sci-Fi held between their pages or played on the big screen. At age ten, she picked up a pencil and began coming up with stories of her own that toyed with other worlds and the mysteries of this one. When she's not delving into the worlds created by words, she's digging into Ghiradelli chocolates and creating memories with her families.