Sunken Echoes

Web of Echoes Book 3

by Melody Ash

Indie Published

Paranormal Romance: Time Travel

March 10, 2020

Available in: Paperback, Audio

Sunken Echoes
by Melody Ash

Sunken Echoes is now included in Eastern Echoes, Web of Echoes Books 3 & 4

She's a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don't-cover-the-ugly-parts archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.

Caitlin lands hard on the decks of an infamous ship---with only 24 hours before it sinks, and John is missing.

Trapped in 1912 on the Titanic, sand is slipping through the hourglass as she tries to jump ship before it plunges to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. She meets Elizabeth, a woman with valuable knowledge about time travel and how it works. Yet nothing is ever easy, and her new friend's memory proves to be unreliable.

As Caitlin searches for John, the grains of time slip away. She must put the pieces together, or she'll find herself in lying in a cursed grave at the bottom of the ocean.

Melody Ash's Bio

Melody grew up loving the endless possibilities fantasy and Sci-Fi held between their pages or played on the big screen. At age ten, she picked up a pencil and began coming up with stories of her own that toyed with other worlds and the mysteries of this one. When she's not delving into the worlds created by words, she's digging into Ghiradelli chocolates and creating memories with her families.