posted on November 16, 2021 by Allison B. Hanson

When Good Girls Go Plaid by Allison B. Hanson

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Okay, so maybe considering myself a good girl is a bit of a stretch. I’m generally the one in the group who says, “I have an idea” and everyone shakes their head before I’ve even spelled out the steps of my awesome plan. That’s because at some point, my schemes generally turn to consuming more candy than humanly possible or fire. Yes, on occasion, both.

Fortunately, I came up with a way to have as many amazing adventures as I want without any risk of ending up in the ER. In my fictional stories, my heroes and heroines can do all the exiting things my VOR (Voice of Reason) frowns upon.

From racing motorcyles, to being the focus of a nationwide manhunt, my heroines like to live life on the edge and enjoy life. When I started writing in November 2009, I stayed clear of writing historical romance. After all, how much fun can a heroine have when forced to wear a dress and stick to the rules of propriety?

Answer: More than you’d expect.

Living in the Scottish Highlands in the late 1600’s was not for the faint of heart. These women were counted on to do much of the work in their households. It’s no wonder they forged such strong friendships with one another. In my Clan MacKinlay Series, the women are often found sharing naughty tales about their husbands in the kitchens. They share the duty of watching each other’s children so they might sneak away during the afternoon for some fun.

They often challenge the convention of needing protection by being the ones to protect their warrior men. They may start off being the demure maiden, but once they find their way, their men better watch out. They aren’t afraid to ask for what they desire.

As I got to know the ladies that walked the halls of Dunardry Castle, I found they were a strong group of women who would do whatever it took to protect their clan and those they loved, while having a wee bit of fun in the process.

Excerpt from Her Forbidden Highlander Husband

Liam opened his mouth to offer to go after the lad, but their attention was drawn away by the thunder of hooves and a high-pitched war cry. Everyone turned to see the MacKinlay warriors from both clans coming at them. In the front, Liam made out three women, one with hair of golden fire.

“My wife better not be with them. She’s carrying a babe,” Cameron grumbled.

“It appears only three of our women have decided to launch an attack,” Lach said with a resigned sigh.


Evelyn’s heart was beating so fast she could feel it over the pounding of her horse’s hooves as she descended on the group. She thought she’d made out Liam but then realized there was a second man with white hair. She spied her father and slowed.

She’d never been in a battle before, and her emotions were shifting with every inch they grew closer.

She was scared yet determined. While she didn’t want to have to draw a dagger against another person, she’d fight to stay married to Liam. Instead of mounting to face off their attack, the men remained rooted to the ground and stood calmly next to one another.

She slowed again and the warriors following did as well. Were they too late? Was the document already signed? Had she lost Liam?

They slowed to a stop and Evelyn was the first down from her horse. She rushed toward the group. Her hair had come undone during her siege and fell over her shoulders.

“Who is this Valkyrie who descends upon us?” the man next to Liam asked.

“That would be my wife.” Liam smiled and came to greet her with a kiss. His eyes were bright as he rested his hand on her cheek.



Allison B. Hanson

Allison B. Hanson

One very early morning, Allison B. Hanson woke up with a conversation going on in her head. It wasn't so much a dream as being forced awake by her imagination. Unable to go back to sleep, she gave in, went to the computer, and began writing. Years later it still hasn't stopped. Allison lives near Hershey, Pennsylvania. Her contemporary romances include paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery suspense. She enjoys candy immensely, as well as long motorcycle rides, running and reading.

9 thoughts on “When Good Girls Go Plaid by Allison B. Hanson”

  1. Colleen C. says:

    Love seeing where I can go and see within the pages of a book!

    1. Allison says:

      And all from the comfort of your home. 😁

  2. bn100 says:

    sounds interesting

  3. Rachel Flesher (aka Raonaid Luckwell) says:

    That’s the fun thing about writing…. living through your character.
    I’ve kind of done that with a role playing character… her behavior was nothing like mine, but it was fascinating to be different through her. She did things that I’d be too frightened to.

    Awesome blog post!

    1. Allison says:

      It’s also fun to learn new things through a character’s perspective!

  4. Ashley Fasolo says:

    Love a good highlander story/relationship and sounds great and fun.

  5. Can’t go wrong with strong, assertive women and protective men. Some men are so threatened by women that can fend for themselves. Truthfully, most of us that are like that have learned to be that way out of necessity.

    1. Allison B. Hanson says:

      A truly strong man isn’t afraid of a strong woman. 😉

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