posted on December 15, 2020 by Aliyah Burke

What Feeds You?

Thank you for allowing me to be here today. It’s truly a pleasure.

I have been doing a lot of introspection recently. I’m sure a good many of people are given the state of things worldwide. I’ve decided that I have to make more of an effort to see what feeds my soul and keeps me in a better state of mind. I mean, for me, there’s the obvious, family, dogs, books, and music.

While I am unable to do the therapy work currently with my dogs, that has been one of the things I enjoy doing. Surprising, because I’m an extreme introvert but I do love going to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and the like to bring a bit of joy to others. Nina was my first Borzoi and therapy dog. She had the perfect temperament for it, her niece Lily does as well, but she isn’t typically a fan of doing children events, so we spent more time with the elderly with Lily. My third Zoi, Opal, is all around amazing so long as there is petting, she’s on board with the idea of going.

Most of my nights before bed are me, curled with a dog or two, a book, and music playing.

I will read almost anything and I’m not one who will typically DNF a book, I’ll set it aside and see if I can’t try again later. I can admit that my tastes do run more toward fiction than non-fiction, but I do read them both. Quite happily.

When it comes to music, again, my scope is extremely wide-ranging. Like right now, while I’m writing this, I’m listening to a variety of music by Hans Zimmer. I love soundtracks but music, to me, is a way to touch others without having to share the same language. Sure, you may not understand the words, but there is the pulse, the beat that will either touch you or not. I was lucky enough to grow up being introduced to music from all around the world and to this day, that craving to find more, hear more, thrives within me.

I cannot think of a day that I don’t listen to music in some manner or another. Most days it starts when I wake and doesn’t stop until I crawl into bed at night. May not be loud, but it’s there. Music provides a backdrop for me while I write as well. Granted, I don’t make playlists for my stories, but each one does have a playlist. There are certain songs that when I hear them, I immediately think of a specific story.

A rough shift at the day job for me, can be made much more bearable when I’m allowed to listen to music there. It keeps me calmer and relaxed. Important, especially during the holiday season.

I’m away from my family at the moment, and like most, there won’t be a gathering this year. We’re spread out over the country. So it’s myself and DH (hubs) along with the dogs. He’s much more of a television person than I am, just how we were raised. But we still spend time together, I’ll sit in the living room with him with earbuds in to listen to music and read while he plays video games or watches some show. That’s what he does to calm down and relax.

I guess all of this is to say that no matter what does it for you. Crafting, reading, whatever, please make sure that you are taking the time to do something just for you. If that is baking a batch of cookies and eating some before they cool, do it. Times right now are stressful and we need to continue to find things that speak to us.

Not the us we may put on for the rest of the world to see, but the “us” that may cry in the dark corner, doesn’t want to let the world know, we’re not as okay as we are pretending to be. Find that thing, those things that allow the light back into the darkness. That lift you up.

If you need to reach out to someone, do.

From my house to yours, I hope your holidays are full of love, laughter, and light. Thank you for taking the time to hang out and read the post.

Giveaway: Comment on the blog for a chance to win any ebook from my backlist.

Happy Reading,

Aliyah Burke


My next door neighbor Parker Jax is not my type. He’s covered in tats, rides a motorcycle, and his parties keep me up all night. The fact he’s sexy as sin doesn’t change the fact we are oil and water.

I’m a quiet artist. He’s a rowdy marine. I’ve got a broken heart. I’m convinced he doesn’t have a heart at all.

Thankfully, my bad-boy neighbor is on leave from the Marines for only thirty days. But then the jerk has to go and show me that he has a soft side beneath all those hard muscles. He actually leaves his own party to help me, and he didn’t even have to.

Fantastic. Now I owe him.

I’m not worried, though. What are the chances he’ll need me to do anything before the month is up?

But when a woman shows up with a kid at her side, knocking on Parker’s door, it turns out those chances are pretty good…

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. She is married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi, and a DSH cat. She spends her days sharing time between work, writing, and dog training, showing, and racing.

7 thoughts on “What Feeds You?”

  1. MildredWalker says:

    Haven’t had the pleasure of extending my readings of yours. Awaiting when I can get the Return to ……At my 94 years I hope to be able to get it soon. One of my blessings is that I can still read. Love every moment of all your books. Have a wonderful Christmas with all of your family. Stay safe as I do at home with my 96 year husband, Celebrated our 70 years on August 12,2020 followed by Sept 12 my 94 and lastly Don”s 96th on 10-10-24. i’M SO PROUD HE GOT TO GO ON THE HONOR FLIGHT TO WASHINGTON. H{e was in the Battle of the Bulge and can’t talk too much about it. Anyway enough of my jabbering, keep writing and God Bless You. WE LOVE YOU. Mildred WALKER

    1. I’m honored, and thank you! You are an inspiration, we’re moving by 20 together, officially 19 I think this year was.

  2. GB says:

    It has been a remarkably unusual year and if one were to summarize the happenings it would sound like a dystopian story. Romance, sci fi/fantasy, and humorous fiction and movies really have helped me through some of the more stressful patches. Heaven knows I have needed the diversion and the lift from the mostly HEA’s. Smiled at your mention of baking cookies and eating them warm from the oven, I tend to make a batch of dough and freeze the portions so that I can bake them just for such needs.

    I can imagine that you and your therapy dogs have brought quite a bit of joy wherever you have visited. It is wonderful how such sessions can bring comfort and happiness.

    1. I agree with you about this year, it’s been…well, a lot of somethings. I don’t have the self control to only bake what I need. I always tend to overdo but I’m used to doing things for hubby and the rest of the guys in his division when he served. Now I take extras to the day job and feed them.

      Therapy is a great outlet for me and for the dogs. I never thought it would be hard on them like a day of showing, competing, or racing, but it wipes them out.

      Happy reading!

  3. Thank you all for stopping by. If you’d like an ebook copy of any of the ones from my backlist. Shoot me an email (contact pg on my website) or comment here and I will get it to you.

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