posted on February 8, 2021 by Laura Brown

Writing Baby Characters

I’m so happy to be on Writerspace, talking about my new book, About That Night. One of my favorite scenes in this book involves Archie, my couple’s nine-month-old son. I wanted to write this character with realism, and even though my own child is eleven, I went through old pictures and my kid’s baby book, remembering what life was like with an active toddler.

The sleepless nights, the teething, the diaper changes, I wanted all that to be shown on page. At nine months my kid was walking with assistance, I remember spending what felt like days hunched over, walking around the house with my exploring child. The feeding schedules and everything else, I didn’t want to forget a thing. I knew not all of it would make it into the book, and there would be times I would need the baby to behave when a real one might not, but I strived for the realism balance.

I also didn’t want to forget that small, smiling face, showing off only a few teeth, and how easily that melted hearts. Especially as the story opens with my hero, Nolan, not knowing he has a child. So each moment was special and ripe for emotion.

And comedy. In fact, baby Archie ended up being a prime source of comedy while writing. Nolan’s scenes with his son are full of that brand new, I don’t know what I’m doing, parent moments. Funny and relatable, because each parent finds their own way.

Which brings us up to my favorite scene. Heroine Izzy is sleeping, and Nolan wants to let her stay that way. Therefore he attempts his first diaper change on his own. It turns into a messy ordeal, and I couldn’t skip having Archie pee on his father! Babies need to claim everything around them, and this one was no different.

Teething babies don’t settle easily, so Nolan ends up bringing the baby with him to the bathroom to wash his hands. On the floor between his father’s feet, Archie decides to chomp down on Nolan’s big toe!

Never fear, father and son end up in story time together, and through all the comedy and mishaps, have a bonding moment.

Children bring a lot of stress to our lives, but also a lot of fun and magical moments. I so enjoyed writing baby Archie and I hope my readers enjoy him as well!

Giveaway: I will be giving away an ebook copy of About That Night to one person who comments!

Laura Brown

Laura Brown

Laura Brown lives in Massachusetts with her quirky abnormal family. Her husband's put up with her since high school, her young son keeps her on her toes, and her two cats think they deserve more scratches. Hearing loss is a big part of who she is, from her own hard of hearing ears, to the characters she creates.

7 thoughts on “Writing Baby Characters”

  1. bn100 says:

    sounds interesting

  2. Thanks for looking back the wat you did. As the Father of 3 girls and one son taking care of them and growing up with them has been the greatest honor of my life . One time our youngest was getting ready for school and she had a tummy ache. While her sister was helping get her shoes on she tossed her breakfast and then both tossed and it was on.
    Me and my wife started cleaning up the mess and we were crying and laughing and gagging , the girls thought it was funny so they healed themselves just laughing at Mom and dad. Now that all the kids have kids as strange as it sounds I miss those days. Bot not the smell we can do without that.

    1. I think we always have those times that are so stressful in the moment, but we look back fondly! What a story!

  3. Patty says:

    I remember those days. My husband & I miss them now that our kids are all grown up. There were definitely way more good days than “bad” days. Look forward to reading and possibly reliving those days. Lol

    1. Looking back can be a blast, I hope I remind you of the better memories!

  4. Louise Bateman says:

    I love stories that include children. Thank You for this chance 😊❤

  5. This giveaway is now closed, thank you all for entering! I used a random number generator and Patty is the winner! Patty, look out for an email from me to claim your prize!

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