posted on October 18, 2021 by JoAnn Sky


My Best Ideas….

People often ask me how I come up with the idea for my story, or for specific scenes. Many times, they grow from real life experiences. An event occurs, and a specific moment from that event plants a seed.  For example, my neighborhood is host to bands of wild horses every year; they simply take up residency, coming and going from our front yards, snacking on our grass. Several years ago, my kids and I took a special interest in one particular horse who seemed to have trouble being a part of the band. Over the course of the summer, as we watched this horse try to find his place, the idea of including the wild horses in my next story was born. This horse’s struggle – and the characters’ paralleling struggles–was the basis for NO COWBOY RQUIRED, book 1 of my current series.

Another example is my first children’s book, SANTA’S DOG. It is based on the true story of our first rescue dog who, by all accounts, was sent to us by Santa. Seriously! You can check out more about this special pooch on my website:

With my new release, NO PLAYER REQUIRED, one of my favorite scenes was inspired by a night out with my girlfriends. We were throwing axes at this place in downtown Reno and unanimously decided that it would be a great first date. Well, that was an idea I couldn’t resist for my new book!  Below is a portion of the scene.  I hope you enjoy it!


He watched her take a deep breath. She was agitated; that much was clear. So was he. His hips, right where her hands had been, were still tingling and hot, as were places a bit lower, too. It had been a light touch. Almost a poke, really. Nowhere near a caress. Dios mío. He couldn’t remember the last time a simple touch had affected him this much.

He almost wished they could turn back the clock two minutes. Things had flowed so well between them the past half hour. Sure, they’d only covered things like music and movies, but the banter between them had been casual and natural as she began to let down the barriers she’d built around herself. He knew she was having fun. Surprisingly, so was he. He shook his head. She wasn’t even his type. Not that he stuck to one type, per se. He liked to keep his menu options open. His tastes changed, it sometimes seemed, with the weather.

He watched her position herself and throw. Thunk. Another bull’s-eye. Of course. Maybe if he’d paid attention to her stance as opposed to her ass, he’d have gotten the hang of things earlier.


I’m so excited to be here today. I’d like to offer a choice eBook of one of my romances from the Biggest Little Love Story series + a $10 Amazon gift card.


Billionaire casino magnate Rafael “Rafa” Salord is forced to exchange caviar for cowboy boots when he’s sent to “grow up” and run his father’s newly acquired casino in the middle of nowhere downtown Reno. When he crosses paths with feisty Destiny Morson, he starts to wonder if that nonsense about love-at-first-sight might actually be true. Maybe it’s time to trade in his playboy status and bet on something more.

Social worker Destiny Morson has always had good reason for keeping romance at arm’s length. After finding out that her business partner ran off with the community-raised funds from their non-profit, she’s ready to swear off people completely. So when the sexy casino executive seems interested in helping her with her woes, she can’t help but mistrust his motives, no matter how he makes her burn…

From a night out throwing axes to supporting Destiny’s charity, Rafa stops at nothing to win over the gunshy woman he can’t get out of his head. He’s determined to break through her tough exterior, and Destiny slowly lets her guard down. But after a night of passion in his penthouse suite, things at the casino go sideways for both of them, forcing them to decide if the past is enough to prevent them from a future together.

JoAnn Sky

JoAnn Sky

JoAnn Sky has written for years as part of her job (business and marketing plans and the like). One day she tried her hand at writing for fun---and liked it. Now she authors adult contemporary romance and young adult romance with a magical twist as well as children's books.She is a two-time Golden Heart finalist and a member of Romance Writers of America. Originally from the Midwest, JoAnn currently lives in northern Nevada with her husband a.k.a. love of her life, three teenage children, and three crazy rescue dogs. Visit her at where you can sign up for her newsletter (and check out for information about her children's stories). You can also connect with JoAnn on Facebook in her reader group (, Twitter (, and Instagram (

14 thoughts on “NO PLAYER REQUIRED by JoAnn Sky”

  1. The hero’s (Rafa) situation almost reminds me of a Korean Drama I watched. The drama’s called My Secret Romance. Mostly, rich boy’s father sends him to work somewhere else to grow up. In the drama, it was a hotel chain. It was a cute show.

    The book sounds quite interesting

    1. JoAnn Sky says:

      I’m going to look for that drama!

  2. Teressa Kloss says:

    This looks like a fun story. The cover is great too.

    1. JoAnn Sky says:

      Thank you! All 3 books in the series got new, sexy covers with this release. I love them, too!

  3. Donna Walker says:

    I hope they end up going back to his Cowboy Roots!!!

    1. JoAnn Sky says:

      Yep, everyone definitely needs a cowboy! 🙂

  4. Chris says:

    I love how you are working your life experiences into the book! Sounds like a fun read!

    1. JoAnn Sky says:

      Thanks! I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

  5. Colleen C. says:

    I am liking the sound of this book!

    1. JoAnn Sky says:

      You will love it! 🙂

  6. Vicki says:

    That must be amazing to see those horses every year!! And I always admire that authors have the creativity to turn that seed from a real world event into full books. I’m not very creative so it just seems super amazing to me, and I am so glad I benefit as a reader!

    1. JoAnn Sky says:

      I never considered myself creative, either. I bet you have tons of stories to share! 🙂

  7. GB says:

    I have never seen wild horses. How cool that you have seen them yearly and been able to follow the interactions. Have always enjoyed learning the stories behind the story.

  8. bn100 says:

    interesting inspiration

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