Red Thunder Reckoning

HI #657 "Flesh & Blood #2

by Sylvie Kurtz


Contemporary Romance: Category Romance

April 1, 2002

ISBN-13: 0373226578

Available in: Paperback

Red Thunder Reckoning
by Sylvie Kurtz

By the banks of the Red Thunder River, blood runs thicker than water.

Every man has his day of reckoning...

With a new face and a new life, Kevin Ransom vowed never to return to the small Texas town where an impulse of anger had destroyed him body and soul.

But he never dreamed his actions that day on the Red Thunder River had led a madman to keep the woman he loved in a drugged state, trapped as a prisoner in her own body. Kevin had caused Ellen Paxton enough pain, but for her sake he had to go back to make things right, especially when he found out that she and her horse rescue ranch were in grave danger. He would keep his identity hidden.... But could he hide the love still in his heart?

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Sylvie Kurtz's Bio

Flying an eight hour solo cross-country in a Piper Arrow with only the airplane's crackling radio and a large bag of M & Ms for company, Sylvie Kurtz realized a pilot's life wasn't for her. The stories zooming in and out of her head proved more entertaining than the flight itself. Not a quitter, she finished her pilot's course, earning her commercial license and instrument rating.

Since then, she's traded in her pilot's license for a keyboard, where she lets her imagination soar to create fictional adventures that explore the power of love and the thrill of suspense.

When not writing, she enjoys the outdoors with her family, quilt-making, photography, and reading whatever catches her interest.