Silver Shadows

by Sylvie Kurtz

Love Spell

Paranormal Romance

May 1, 1997

ISBN-13: 0505522020

Available in: Paperback

Silver Shadows
by Sylvie Kurtz

One Woman--Dreams gone awry blur the present with a past not her own and send Kyra Kirtland in search of balance in Park City, Utah--her birthplace. Only one man seems to keep her grounded, and he broke her heart when he left her at the altar seven years ago.

One Man--Retired from service to his country, Mac McKane is pressed into action again to prevent the deaths of hundreds of people living on a mountain in danger of crumbling. Only one woman stands in his way, and his love for her makes him vulnerable enough to jeopardize his mission.

One Mountain--Greed for Eaton Peak's silver riches turned a man into an evil shadow bent on revenge--a silver shadow that now haunts its core. Only one woman and one man can save it. But with so many secrets shadowing the truth, do they stand a ghost of a chance of learning to work together and trust in their love once more?

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Sylvie Kurtz's Bio

Flying an eight hour solo cross-country in a Piper Arrow with only the airplane's crackling radio and a large bag of M & Ms for company, Sylvie Kurtz realized a pilot's life wasn't for her. The stories zooming in and out of her head proved more entertaining than the flight itself. Not a quitter, she finished her pilot's course, earning her commercial license and instrument rating.

Since then, she's traded in her pilot's license for a keyboard, where she lets her imagination soar to create fictional adventures that explore the power of love and the thrill of suspense.

When not writing, she enjoys the outdoors with her family, quilt-making, photography, and reading whatever catches her interest.