Hearts Are Wild

Wild Book 5

by Patrice Michelle, Cheyenne McCray, Nelissa Donovan

Ellora's Cave

Contemporary Romance: Sensual, Contemporary Romance: Category Romance

December 1, 2004

Available in: Paperback

Hearts Are Wild
by Patrice Michelle, Cheyenne McCray, Nelissa Donovan

Three strong, independent women

Three rugged, sexy cowboys

A spur-of-the-moment bet leads to a month of uninhibited sex

Could this wild life go straight to the heart?

Heat things up with the HEARTS ARE WILD anthology

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Patrice Michelle's Bio

Born and raised in the southeast, I have been a fan of romance novels since I was thirteen years old. When I was in college, I wrote my first romance novel....well, um...I attempted to write my first romance novel. There I was, 80,000 words into the historical novel, and my hero and heroine still hadn't had sex yet. LOL! I think I was intimidated to write that first love scene. Over a decade later, I picked up that unfinished, dusty manuscript and read it, thinking maybe I could do this writing thing. Since then I have learned so much about the craft of writing. First and foremost, I learned that writing is just that--a craft. It's something I'll always learn from and improve upon.

The tone of my novels may range from intense to light hearted, but one thing always holds true with my writing--I will always write a sensual romance (kinda ironic considering my first attempt at a romance, don't you think?).