Hearts Are Wild

Wild Book 5

by Patrice Michelle, Cheyenne McCray, Nelissa Donovan

Ellora's Cave

Sensual: Anthology, Sensual: Contemporary

November 1, 2005

Available in: Paperback

Hearts Are Wild
by Patrice Michelle, Cheyenne McCray, Nelissa Donovan

Wild Hearts by Cheyenne McCray
When Nicole Landford makes a bet with her cousins to go after the first man who "trips her trigger", little does she know that she's in for the ride of her life. Unfortunately it's with the last man on earth she wants to be with.

Kev Grand's had his eye on Nicole for years. Now that he has her attention, he's got more than his hands full with the wild thing who claims her heart's not up for grabs. Not if Kev has anything to do with it. He intends to tame Nicole's wild heart and make her his for keeps.

Hearts Afire by Patrice Michelle
One man: a hot, seductive cowboy who smells of leather and fresh outdoors and who's more than willing to take a woman on the ride of her life. One woman: a sexy, petite firecracker whose emerald gaze and silky black hair can make even an angel want to sin. The mystery: a steamy chance encounter, a burned-out barn, and a potential killer on the loose, waiting to strike. In order to solve the mystery, Sabrina must take on a man with a passion for fire, and Josh is just the kind of man who wants to make her burn.

Branded Hearts by Nelissa Donovan
When Lily Whitman agrees to a wager with her two single cousins to abandon her prim and proper ways and go after the first man who "trips her trigger", she knows she's finally fallen off the deep end of loneliness. There's always the hope that Nic or Bri will welch first. Lily just has to wait them out. In Big Sky Montana. On a working dude ranch. Surrounded by big and beefy, hard-bitten, real-life cowboys.

Of course, the wrangler who trips Lily's trigger is the last type of guy she'd go for. As big and as wild as the Montana sky, ranch owner Shain Stevenson is only a shade less cultured and refined than grain alcohol-and just as flammable. As is the atmosphere of the Red Bear Ranch where, Lily discovers, things are not always what they seem.

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Patrice Michelle's Bio

Born and raised in the southeast, I have been a fan of romance novels since I was thirteen years old. When I was in college, I wrote my first romance novel....well, um...I attempted to write my first romance novel. There I was, 80,000 words into the historical novel, and my hero and heroine still hadn't had sex yet. LOL! I think I was intimidated to write that first love scene. Over a decade later, I picked up that unfinished, dusty manuscript and read it, thinking maybe I could do this writing thing. Since then I have learned so much about the craft of writing. First and foremost, I learned that writing is just that--a craft. It's something I'll always learn from and improve upon.

The tone of my novels may range from intense to light hearted, but one thing always holds true with my writing--I will always write a sensual romance (kinda ironic considering my first attempt at a romance, don't you think?).