Susanna's Seduction

by Patrice Michelle

Samhain Publishing

Sensual: Contemporary, Contemporary Romance: Sensual, Contemporary Romance

May 29, 2007

ISBN-13: 1599985969

Available in: e-Book

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Susanna's Seduction
by Patrice Michelle

Seduction can be spontaneous...

Susan Brennon never expected that running an errand for her future sister-in-law would land her a spur-of-the-moment date. When Michael leads her down a sensual path of seduction, she takes on the sexy Italian full-throttle, all the while keeping her heart under tight guard. Every person she's formed a close attachment to has moved on. She doesn't expect Michael to be any different.

From the moment he touches Susan, Michael Piccoli wants her. But as their relationship grows more physical, he finds that for the first time in his life he desires more than sex from a woman—he wants the whole package with Susanna. Michael's determined to break through the rigid hold Susanna has on her emotions. He'll do anything to reach her, even if that means taking their relationship to a whole new level.

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Patrice Michelle's Bio

Born and raised in the southeast, I have been a fan of romance novels since I was thirteen years old. When I was in college, I wrote my first romance novel....well, um...I attempted to write my first romance novel. There I was, 80,000 words into the historical novel, and my hero and heroine still hadn't had sex yet. LOL! I think I was intimidated to write that first love scene. Over a decade later, I picked up that unfinished, dusty manuscript and read it, thinking maybe I could do this writing thing. Since then I have learned so much about the craft of writing. First and foremost, I learned that writing is just that--a craft. It's something I'll always learn from and improve upon.

The tone of my novels may range from intense to light hearted, but one thing always holds true with my writing--I will always write a sensual romance (kinda ironic considering my first attempt at a romance, don't you think?).