posted on February 1, 2017 by Danica Winters

Reconnecting with Romance

by Danica Winters

As a romance author, I often get asked why people choose to read romance novels. (Oddly enough, the question usually comes from non-readers.) My answer is always the same; people love romance novels because of their ability to create an escape from the world around them.

Over the last year however, I have found that there something so much deeper than that, there is so much more to offer from a romance novel than simply escape. Just in the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity and time to read a stack of novels ranging from sci-fi to historical to humor and what I found, and was reminded of, was the fact that romance is an entirely different experience. It delves into everyday issues, confusing feelings, and the reality of a woman’s plight in a way no other genre really can—and it makes us feel not so alone.

It’s easy in this world of tech, social media, and emails to be surrounded by people, thoughts, and feelings and yet still feel isolated. I’ve been hearing from my fans more and more that this is often the case for them, and I know this can often be the case for me as well. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my work, writing, and family life that the world around me just becomes a series of movements.

Yet, when I delve into the pages of a great romance novel, I reconnect. I remember what it is to feel, and to be a part of something new, fresh, and thought-provoking. It also reminds me, with every single romance novel I read, that people can change. I sometimes find that I argue people are who they are, but a romance novel constantly proves that, through love, anything is possible.

Though women are the most voracious readers of romance, I’m finding more and more men are coming to our world of romance for the same reasons. Some men are finding themselves at the same crossroads. Instead of needing escape, I think people are needing to reconnect.

It is my goal that my readers find exactly what they need in my books—whether it be escape or reconnection. I also want everyone who opens my books to see that even in the darkest of times, there is always the light that is hope; more, that love can help us become the best versions of ourselves, love can help us change, love can help us grow, and love can be there for us always.

Maybe I’m simply a romantic at heart, but I know this desire will never change. I will always be an author who wants to bring joy to my readers. I will always want my books to act in my stead as a friend and as something that reminds us that we are not alone.

So, I ask you, why do you think people love romance novels? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts that people come to romance novels with a need to reconnect?

Last question, what are you reading?

Feel free to connect with me on social media and chat. I would love to hear your thoughts. You can find me on Twitter @DanicaWinters or on Facebook

I hope you get the chance to reconnect with the world thanks to my newest release, Wild Montana.

Wishing you the happiest of reading,

Danica Winters



Book Title: Wild MontanaWild Montana
Publisher: Harlequin Intrigue
Date of Publication: January 17, 2017 

Have a former FBI agent and a park ranger met their match in the wilds of Montana? 

With a mysterious death to solve in Glacier National Park, Customs and Border Patrol agent Casper Lawrence must come up with motive, means, opportunity—and a killer. If he doesn’t crack this case by the book, the former FBI agent on strike two will be out. Teamed with a beautiful park ranger, the cowboy agent with the gritty past has to trust sexy lone wolf Alexis Finch. But as their investigation takes them through dangerous terrain and an outlaw motorcycle club’s turf, Casper will do anything to keep Alexis—and what they’ve ignited—alive.

Danica Winters

Danica Winters

Danica Winters is a Publishers Weekly, Walmart, and Amazon bestselling author who has won multiple awards for writing books that grip readers with their ability to drive emotion through suspense and occasionally a touch of magic. Her books have won numerous awards, but she says that her greatest joy is hearing that the worlds she creates have helped to provide escapes for those who need it most. She loves to travel to meet her fans, sign books, and participate in book festivals, reader events, and industry conferences. She is also the co-owner of Self-Publishing Services, LLC. SPS is a successful and lucrative company owned and run by Montana women. SPS is partnered with Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, and Draft 2 Digital. In addition to her writing and publishing, she spends a great deal of her time mentoring up-and-coming authors in every genre from children’s fiction to science fiction. Books are her passion and her life. When she’s not working, she can be found in the wilds of Montana with her husband and two children (all love books). Her daughter often helps her handle her fan mail. Danica Winters is represented by the amazing Jill Marsal of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC.

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