posted on November 4, 2020 by BJ Wane

Dominant, protective cowboys – what’s not to love?

Have you ever had a life-altering experience? Mine took place when I survived a three-car accident as a young newlywed. Unable to return to a full-time job after months in the hospital, I found myself bored to tears sitting at home. Then my aunt handed me a romance novel and my love affair with books began. My all-time favorite author is still Kathleen Woodiwiss.

Hi, I’m BJ Wane, author of over 30 steamy romance/suspense books, wife, mother, and nana who loves books almost as much as dogs and my family. You would think, when I embarked on a writing career of my own, I would choose the historical genre since The Flame and the Flower tops my list of favorite and most memorable reads. Instead, I went with what I know, the contemporary genre, injecting a touch of suspense in each title as that is now my favorite genre to read. Ten years later, I am still amazed I finally saw my dream of success come true.

I confess I get bored easily, which compels me to constantly look for a different twist or theme when starting a new series. Picture yourself riding alongside a rugged cowboy across a wide open Montana range or being the recipient of his focused gaze out of steel blue eyes that matched the sky. Or a slew of protective cowhands riding to your rescue when you find yourself in trouble. When I embarked on my Cowboy Doms series, I never dreamed those hunky ranchers would end up being so popular. The success of that series prompted me to stay with cowboys, but with my new Cowboy Wolf Trilogy, I injected a touch of the paranormal, another genre I enjoy reading.

This trilogy will conclude next month and then I’ll start on a new cowboy series, but in the meantime, if you’d like a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card, tell me something about yourself or the books you like to read.



BJ Wane

BJ Wane

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our Goldendoodle. I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, grandchildren, reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being a homebody. I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking. My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing steamy romance with a touch of suspense. My favorite genre to read is suspense.

8 thoughts on “Dominant, protective cowboys – what’s not to love?”

  1. Tina Alicea says:

    When I was young (teenage yrs) I loved Danielle Steele, Fern Michaels, and snuck some of my sister’s Harlequins. Then years later I fell in live with James Patterson’s Alex Cross series. I had stopped reading for a while then about 7 years started back with Nora Roberts books. I love any type of romance…suspense, contemporary, PNR, eroica. As long as they have great characters and a good storyline I’m in.

    1. BJ Wane says:

      I love all those genres, and agree-a good story line and HEA and I’m a happy reader. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Karen Hackett says:

    I enjoy reading books about wolf shifters and vampires. In these trying times, paranormal is a great get away for me. I love hot, sexy cowboys, whether human or shifters. I do prefer my books to be hot, spicy romances with a suspenseful plots and ah-um horny cowboys. I haven’t read any of your books, but I am always adding new name to my growing list.

    1. BJ Wane says:

      All of my books fit into one or more of your preferred categories! Thank you for commenting.

  3. bn100 says:

    read whatever’s interesting

    1. BJ Wane says:

      Thank you for stopping by.

  4. GB says:

    My reading leans towards spicy romance whether that is historical, paranormal, contemporary, suspense, fantasy or Sci fi. The first romances I read where Harlequin romances when I was a bit under teen-aged. Have not looked back since. And it is good to have something divert my attention from reality for a time, it’s like taking a mini vacation.

    It is wonderful that you could make the leap from romance reader to romance author!

    1. BJ Wane says:

      Thank you for commenting. It seems we enjoy the same genres.

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