Wooing Justin

The Cameron Family Saga, Book Two

by Shirley Larson

Self Published

Contemporary Romance

January 23, 2016

Available in: e-Book

Wooing Justin
by Shirley Larson

Anne Wentworth has been responsible all her life. She cares for her sister who is ill and she is a registered nurse. Suddenly, in a miraculous twist of fate, she finds herself on a cruise ship with Justin Cameron, a man she has loved forever.

Justin is the youngest of the Cameron brothers and has always been the charmer. But a tour in Afghanistan and a broken engagement has turned his lighthearted charm into cynicism. Can Anne find a way to convince him that her love is real?

Shirley Larson's Bio

Shirley Larson always wanted to be a writer. Even while she was studying music in college, she took a creative writing course…and was promptly laughed at and told she wasn’t a writer. Much later, on her husband’s urging, she quit her dead end job and sat in her college son’s empty room in front of a keyboard and wondered if she was crazy. Now, some thirty romances later, three of them historical romances, she has learned the joy…and sometimes the agony…of writing. She encourages anyone thinking of writing not to listen to naysayers. She has met many wonderful editors and readers along the way who have been very encouraging. She loves the thought that she is sharing with her readers her stories of the men and women who find their way through adversity toward a love for all time.