Dark Moon Defender

A Novel of the Twelve Houses #3

by Sharon Shinn

Ace Books

Science Fiction / Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Paranormal Romance: Fantasy

October 3, 2006

ISBN-13: 0441014305

Available in: Hardcover

Dark Moon Defender
by Sharon Shinn

In this story of hidden magic and forbidden love, the King's Rider Justin befriends Ellynor, a young novice at a convent—only to discover that she is a mystic being manipulated by the fanatical Daughters of the Pale Moon into hunting down and killing other mystics.

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Sharon Shinn's Bio

Sharon Shinn has published seven fantasy and science fiction novels, with her eighth one scheduled to appear next April. She lives in St. Louis, where she holds a job as co-editor on a new association-sponsored magazine. Her novels are: The Shape-Changer's Wife, Archangel, Jovah's Angel, The Alleluia Files, Wrapt in Crystal, Heart of Gold, and Summers at Castle Auburn. The new book, Jenna Starborn, will be a futuristic retelling of the Jane Eyre story.

Interview P.E.A.R.L. Award Nominated for PEARL AWARD 1999
WRAPT IN CRYSTAL - Finalist: Best Fantasy/Magical