The Thirteenth House

A Novel of the Twelve Houses #2

by Sharon Shinn

Ace Books

Science Fiction / Fantasy

March 7, 2006

ISBN-13: 0441013686

Available in: Hardcover

The Thirteenth House
by Sharon Shinn

The first book of The Twelve Houses, Mystic and Rider, introduced readers to the troubled land of Gillengaria. Now, Sharon Shinn continues her epic tale, as a beautiful shapeshifter finds that intrigue and danger can be found even in the safest of havens...

After joining an unlikely band of soldiers and sorcerers to rescue the kidnapped regent Romar Brendan, the shiftling Kirra returns home to learn that her half-sister, Casserah, has been proclaimed heir to the land. But when Casserah refuses to go on a social tour of great Houses, Kirra shifts into her sister's form and makes the rounds-during which she unexpectedly meets up with her compatriots from her previous adventures. The motley group faces many dangers- and Kirra places herself in peril when she falls in love with the married Lord Romar. Revealing her true identity to him, Kirra begins a tempestuous affair that places them both in mortal danger, and leads them both into the stronghold of the devious lords of the Thirteenth House.

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Sharon Shinn's Bio

Sharon Shinn has published seven fantasy and science fiction novels, with her eighth one scheduled to appear next April. She lives in St. Louis, where she holds a job as co-editor on a new association-sponsored magazine. Her novels are: The Shape-Changer's Wife, Archangel, Jovah's Angel, The Alleluia Files, Wrapt in Crystal, Heart of Gold, and Summers at Castle Auburn. The new book, Jenna Starborn, will be a futuristic retelling of the Jane Eyre story.

Interview P.E.A.R.L. Award Nominated for PEARL AWARD 1999
WRAPT IN CRYSTAL - Finalist: Best Fantasy/Magical