Deception in Emeralds

Ransomed Jewels Series Book 4

by Laura Landon

Prairie Muse Publishing

Historical Romance, Historical Romance: Victorian, Mystery: Romantic Suspense, Mystery: Historical

September 13, 2017

ISBN-10: 1937216837

ISBN-13: 9781937216832

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size (reprint)

Deception in Emeralds
by Laura Landon

Barnaby Linscott, under orders from the Crown, must apprehend or kill one of England’s most elusive villains. The means to accomplish his mission are anything but clear, but his mind is resolved. The man has already murdered three government agents, and Barnaby vows he will not be the fourth, though he has little to lose. That is, until he meets the partner assigned to carry out his deadly mission.

Lady Millicent Chandler has lost everything. Her beautiful Cliffside Manor has been burned, her parents, her brother Thomas, and her sister Polly all murdered. When her trusted servants bring her their suspicions that her handsome neighbor is directly involved, she knows exactly what she’ll do. She will accept his proposal of marriage. And take her revenge.

Originally published March 2017 in eBook by Kindle Press.

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Laura Landon's Bio

If you ever meet a senior citizen who says she’s living her dream, that’s me. I spent years of my life teaching music, running a Dairy Queen, and stocking a MiniMart. And then I discovered writing. That’s when I knew who I was truly meant to be. Now my books are sold all over the world, in four languages, and even in Japanese manga! Oh yes. Thanks to my dear readers I’m living my dream! “Always beautifully set and with a mysterious twist or bit of suspense, Laura’s books average over a million pages a month read by her loyal readers.”