After Forever

A Whisper Of Scandal Book 4

by Julie Johnstone


Historical Romance, Historical Romance: Regency, Historical Romance: Victorian

November 24, 2014

ISBN-10: 1543209890

ISBN-13: 9781543209891

Available in: Audio, e-Book, Trade Size

After Forever
by Julie Johnstone

A year and a half after her husband’s tragic death, all Lady Julianna Barrows wants is to be left alone and forget that most of her heart went with him when he passed. Instead, she finds herself the subject of many a matchmaking scheme and lurid offer to ease her widowhood, as well as save her fading fortune. Desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, she takes on a position as a tutor, only to discover that the man she’s helping unexpectedly stirs her heart and passion.

Nash Wolverton boxed his way out of the London slums and into immense wealth, but he couldn’t care less about Society’s approval. Except he has his by-blow daughter’s future to consider. To ensure her acceptance into Society, he’ll endure anything—including procuring a tutor to transform him into a gentleman so he can secure a suitable, boring wife.

Yet what he wants changes the moment he hires the widow Julianna. She may be a lady, but she’s far from tedious. Bold and compassionate, she is nothing like the women of the ton. Suddenly, she’s elicited a simmering desire in him, and even a longing to love and be loved that he always thought out of his reach. Knowing what he planned to settle for can now never be enough, he vows to win her love. But as the walls she’s built begin to crumble and a second chance for Julianna seems possible, her fears threaten to destroy all and she alone must decide if protecting her heart trumps breaking Nash’s.

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Julie Johnstone's Bio

As a little girl I loved to create fantasy worlds and then give all my friends roles to play. Of course, I was always the heroine! Books have always been an escape for me and brought me so much pleasure, but it didn't occur to me that I could possibly be a writer for a living until I was in a career that was not my passion. One day, I decided I wanted to craft stories like the ones I loved, and with a great leap of faith I quit my day job and decided to try to make my dream come true. I discovered my passion, and I have never looked back. I feel incredibly blessed and fortunate that I have been able to make a career out of sharing the stories that are in my head! I write Scottish Medieval Romance, Regency Romance, and I have even written a Paranormal Romance book. And because I have the best readers in the world, I have hit the USA Today bestseller list several times. You can download my Medieval Romance, CHRISTMAS IN THE SCOT'S ARMS, to try for FREE. Just visit my website and download your copy from the home page. I really want to hear from you! It makes my day! Email me here: [email protected].