The Danegeld

by C. L. Hadyn

Decadent Publishing

Contemporary Romance

December 29, 2017

Available in: e-Book (reprint)

The Danegeld
by C. L. Hadyn

Danegeld: A tax levied in Anglo-Saxon England from the 10th to the 12th century as tribute to the Danish invaders.

Rosilyn Hugh de Lassy, a former Special Operator and now sole owner and operator of De Lassy Inquiries, can proudly trace his family tree back to the Normans who helped William the Conqueror win at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Like his Norman ancestors, if Ross wanted something he went after it and he wasn’t afraid to work hard to get it.

When Nels Rainer Kirkegaard, possessor of a PhD in History, talented artist and skilled wood-worker, inherits his grandfather’s furniture business, he is surprised by the stipulation that he has one year to sow some wild oats before assuming the leadership of the company. In a chance encounter in a Washington, DC pub, Norman and Viking meet, and Ross surprises himself by hiring Nels to help him renovate the rundown monstrosity he intends to turn into office and living quarters.

When Nels’ silver blonde hair and Arctic blue eyes make him the target of a sex slave ring, Ross is compelled to rescue him. He is very good at finding things and no self-respecting Special Forces operator would leave a friend behind. However, while searching for clues to discover where his handyman was taken, Ross finds one of Nels’ pen and ink sketches and realizes the Dane could become more to him than just a friend. Ross has a major decision to make when he finds Nels. Should he, like his Norman ancestors, pay the Danegeld and live in harmony with the Viking or refuse and live at war with himself?

Originally published August 2014 writing as Cyn Hadyn in trade paperback by Rebel Ink Press.

Other Books by C. L. Hadyn

C. L. Hadyn's Bio

Cyn Hadyn, a career historian with Hungarian/Viking nomadic roots, goes balmy in Florida and has delusions of writing. How’s that for a current biography? Yeah, sounds silly but it’s true. I’m a transplanted Yankee living way south of the Mason-Dixon Line and enjoying the feeling of thin blood, sand, sun, and palm trees. I’ve sworn off snow, bare trees, brown grass, and real Italian food. Uh, not so much the Italian food. Still would sacrifice a small digit for authentic Italian cuisine a la Philly, Trenton, or New York.

Before settling down to write full time in the land of ’bless your heart, and y’all’, I was a Special Operations (US Army and US Marines) military historian/archivist. Now I collect a retirement check and write paranormal/historical romance. I guess my service with Army and Marine Special Operations left an indelible impression on my writing, because my characters, both male and female, are distinctly Spec Ops in their outlook. They leave no man behind, color outside the lines, and are very, very lethal. If you Google Cyn Hadyn, you’ll find my books range from paranormal to historical. I’ve also pushed the envelope a little by including Erotica and BDSM. Which brings me to my latest book, OFF TRACK, published by Decadent Publishing under the pseudonym C. L. Hadyn.

Another book about to appear under the name Cyn Hadyn is NULL SANCTION, published in eBook format by Rebel Ink. NULL SANCTION is a paranormal romance that gives a nod to my Hungarian roots. Although I haven’t included any distantly related vampires, there are one or two werewolves you might find interesting.

If you have a taste for the paranormal or historical romance, I would love to hear from you via Hadyn or