Love Lottery

by Aurora Rose Lynn

Zumaya Publications (Extasy Books)

Sensual: Erotica, Sensual: Paranormal

February 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 1554100801

Available in: e-Book

Love Lottery
by Aurora Rose Lynn

Valentine's Day is approaching. A devilish attractive merman from the Kingdom of Cerkania believes he's fallen in love with a hot-blooded woman on Earth but he's finding that making love to her might be more of task than he foresaw. How long will Tony be forced to keep his hands off Kira's mouthwatering body?

Aurora Rose Lynn's Bio

Aurora Rose Lynn lives in southern California with her husband and talking conure Star. She has written many short stories that have seen print in fantasy, science fiction, horror and mystery. Her mystery novel featuring private eye Cory Purchase received an Honorable Mention in the 1998 National Writer's Novel Writing Contest. She is currently at work on a paranormal romance.