Ruth D. Kerce

After winning a short story contest in the fifth grade, I was hooked on creating entertaining stories, and I haven't stopped writing since. Poetry, science fiction, children's stories--over the years I've tried a little bit of everything, but nothing felt quite right. Then a romance book was placed in my hands, and it felt like I'd come home.

As soon as possible, I got a Master's Degree in Computer Science to help me make a living while pursuing my writing dream. I then enrolled in a writing institute and received a diploma after completing the two-year program. I'm now a member of numerous writing groups, attend writing workshops/conferences, and conduct a romance writers' workshop on AOL.

Membership in Romance Writers of America, the From the Heart Online Chapter of RWA, and the Desert Rogues Romance Writers Group, in particular, has allowed me to mingle with other writers and make life-long friendships that have become as important as my writing.

My stories have won or placed in many contests (and each win has been as thrilling as the first!). I'm the editor of the Whispers of Love newsletter and Web Director for The FTH Online RWA Chapter. My articles and short stories have appeared online and in newsletters.

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By Donnell Ann Bell Have you ever heard authors talk about a germ of an idea that led to their writing a novel? It’s crazy how one idea can take hold and a 90,000-word book can result. That’s what happened behind many of my books. Still, when it comes to my romantic suspense novel Buried… Read More

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