Blind Rage

by Terri Persons

Berkley Prime Crime


April 7, 2009

ISBN-13: 9780425224960

Available in: Paperback

Blind Rage
by Terri Persons

A string of troubled young women committing suicide is haunting the Twin Cities—but FBI Agent Bernadette Saint Clare has a hunch that these women didn't die by their own hand.

It's a big leap to take, and Bernadette's going to need some serious evidence to back it up. Unfortunately, her best lead is an uncooperative psychiatrist, and when Bernadette uses her second sight, she'll discover dark secrets in the doctor's past as complex as they are disturbing.

Other Books by Terri Persons

Terri Persons' Bio

Terri Persons, a former reporter and freelance magazine writer, lives in the Midwest with her husband and two sons.