Wizard's Moon

by Rebecca Anderson

Imajinn Books

Paranormal Romance: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Paranormal Romance: Futuristic

April 28, 2002

ISBN-13: 1893896625

Available in: Trade Size

Wizard's Moon
by Rebecca Anderson

Famous sculptor Jachin Morgan has just discovered that not only is he a wizard, but he and his two sisters are the Triad of an ancient prophecy. They must now travel from the mortal world to the wizards' enchanted isle to fight a battle with the evil Lord of Darkness. As wars rage in all the worlds, The Triad must come together to restore the balance of light and dark forces in the universe. Should they fail, The Darkness will forever rule all beings—faerie folk, wizards and mortals alike. But Jachin questions his worthiness. All his life he has fought the dark forces deep within him. What if he is no better than those he is commissioned to fight? His powers, once unleashed, could tip the scale in the wrong direction.

Angela Dawn is a mortal whose light heart, innocence and beauty are the antitheses of the darkness and cynicism that dwells within Jachin. Angela's passion and unconditional love weave a spell stronger than any Jachin has ever known. But that love jeopardizes his mission when The Evil One uses Angela as a pawn to bring Jachin's tormented soul to The Dark Side.

Will Jachin be forced to give up the only love capable of saving his soul? Can he conquer the darkness within himself to save mankind? Or will he lose everything under the light of the Wizard's Moon?

Other Books by Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson's Bio

As a Baby-boomer/Scorpio Rebecca has her feet firmly planted in reality... while her mind, spirit and soul freely wander about in various worlds of fantasy. While she wouldn't blink an eye if an alien, a ghost or Merlin appeared at the breakfast table, she wouldn't let the event stop her from taking the clothes out of the dryer before they wrinkled. She and her Prince Charming of twenty-seven years have raised three children, a dog, a cat and two birds, and are now surprised to discover that "The Empty Nest Syndrome" is a good thing. Who can complain about having more time and energy for romance, the inalienable right to spoil their grandkids, and the freedom to travel? A long-time member of Romance Writers of America and Vice President of her local Inland Valley and Orange County chapters, Rebecca is constantly developing new stories. Her work has won first place in the Midwest Fiction Writers contest and placed in many other writing contests. Glass-Slipper-dot.com, published by ImaJinn Books is her debut novel. Her second novel, Wizard's Moon, also published by ImaJinn, will be out in April of 2002.