Owner of A Lonely Heart

by Cyndi Friberg


Paranormal Romance: Futuristic, Contemporary Romance: Romantic Suspense, Sensual

August 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 1596320117

Available in: e-Book

Owner of A Lonely Heart
by Cyndi Friberg

The richest man in the world is determined to have the one thing money can't buy: an artificial heart for his dying daughter. Brilliant, utterly eccentric, Tuesday Fitzpatrick perfects the artificial heart just in time to save humankind from its own vanity. A drug called Methuselah all but stops the effects of aging, yet results in genetic heart defects in the second generation. Marc Sinclair's daughter is born with this fatal heart defect. The tragedy already cost him his marriage. He'll be damned before he loses his little girl, too. He's determined to do whatever it takes to get an artificial heart for her. Unfortunately, the need for the device is so wide spread that elaborate procedures and protocols have been set in place. Convinced he can bypass the selection process, Marc contacts Tuesday directly. He kidnaps her, but much to his surprise, she finds it all amusing. He is in the position to give her the world; he just has to figure out what the irrational woman wants. She isn't impressed by his wealth, has no use for his powerful connections. But since loneliness and fear of intimacy are at the heart of Tuesday's erratic behavior, it will take more than determination to make Mark the owner of her lonely heart.

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