Lost Souls

A Blood Brothers Story

by Barbara Sheridan, Anne Cain

Samhain Publishing

Science Fiction / Fantasy, Sensual: Fantasy

May 19, 2009

ISBN-13: 9781605042862

Available in: Trade Size

Read an Excerpt

Lost Souls
by Barbara Sheridan, Anne Cain

Can love survive when immortality doesn't last forever?

More than a hundred years ago in old San Francisco, Kabuki actor Ryuhei Nakamura and vampire Kiyoshi Ishibe cemented an immortal love. Then at the dawn of the twentieth century, their lives were torn apart by tragedy. Now Ryuhei's hope is reborn in the form of Jesse Shigeta, a gifted musical student. The young man is so like Ryuhei's murdered beloved, that he believes fate has been kind in reuniting them once more, this time for eternity.

But Jesse is full of secrets. As a child, the supernaturally gifted young man discovered Kiyoshi's soul still bound to Earth. His every intent was to reunite his ghostly friend with Ryuhei, but when Jesse falls in love with the vampire himself, he will stop at nothing to keep his place by Ryuhei's side.

Even if that means calling upon ghost hunters to destroy Kiyoshi.

Barbara Sheridan's Bio

A life long resident of Pittsburgh, PA, I've been a fan of romantic/historical/paranormal/horror/ dark fantasy books, movies and television ever since I can remember. My first "professional" (paid for) piece of writing was a vampire short story in a small press 'zine called Dead of Night.

I did more short stories along with book reviews and soon realized that each piece, whether it featured ghosts, vampires or aliens always had a romance or romantic elements included.

I've sold a Timeless Wish (time travel) and Silver Rain (reincarnation) to Jove, a short contemporary to e-publisher Book-On-Disc.com and I have an historical Bittersweet Surrender which was released March 2001 from Avid Press. Bittersweet Surrender is the book that "inspired" Timeless Wish and I'm thrilled that it's now in print.
