Blood Brothers

by Barbara Sheridan, Anne Cain

Samhain Publishing

Sensual: Erotica, Paranormal Romance: Vampire

May 9, 2006

ISBN-13: 1599981084

Available in: e-Book

Blood Brothers
by Barbara Sheridan, Anne Cain

n a world where the nights are darker and the passions run deeper, two young men go from friends to something more when a dangerous stranger appears on their doorstep.

In feudal Japan, war and famine tear through the countryside, and demons lurk in the darkness. Two young men struggle together on the outskirts of a ravaged village: the strong yet kind Liu Sakurai and his beloved gentle hearted Kiyoshi. And as their friendship endures the endless hardships, their bond grows into something more.

When the summer night brings a mysterious stranger to their door, the most dangerous desires of their dreams and nightmares are awakened. Blood now binds Kiyoshi and Sakurai together where once love did, but can this tie last an eternity?

Barbara Sheridan's Bio

A life long resident of Pittsburgh, PA, I've been a fan of romantic/historical/paranormal/horror/ dark fantasy books, movies and television ever since I can remember. My first "professional" (paid for) piece of writing was a vampire short story in a small press 'zine called Dead of Night.

I did more short stories along with book reviews and soon realized that each piece, whether it featured ghosts, vampires or aliens always had a romance or romantic elements included.

I've sold a Timeless Wish (time travel) and Silver Rain (reincarnation) to Jove, a short contemporary to e-publisher and I have an historical Bittersweet Surrender which was released March 2001 from Avid Press. Bittersweet Surrender is the book that "inspired" Timeless Wish and I'm thrilled that it's now in print.
