Michael J. Merry

Michael J. Merry was educated at the Royal Liberty School in Essex, England. He trained as a telecommunications instructor and traveled to Latin America to work. He lived there for the next 28 years, primarily in the Republic of Panama. He went on to manage a major U.S. news operation in Latin America, travelling widely in the process. He was in Argentina when the Army revolted in 1987 and Venezuela during the attempted coup by Lt. Colonel (now President) Hugo Chavez in 1992. He eventually moved to Miami scripting two nationally televised financial programs and became... Read full bio

Books by Michael J. Merry

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And BOOM there went April…

What was I thinking last month that I would get more writing time? I think that I celebrated too early… definitely. I have had some amazing reviews this month, and I’m in awe of people who take the time to review my books. Thank you to anyone who tells others about them, including the by-mouth… Read More

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