Ann Maxwell

Individually and with co-author/husband Evan, Ann Maxwell has written over 60 novels and one non-fiction book. There are 30 million copies of these books in print, as well as reprints in 30 foreign languages. The novels range from science fiction to historical fiction, from romance to mystery to suspense. Writing as Ann Maxwell, she began her career in 1975 with a science fiction novel, CHANGE. Since then, seven of her nine science fiction novels have been recommended for the Science Fiction Writers of America Nebula Award; A DEAD GOD DANCING was nominated for what was then... Read full bio

Books by Ann Maxwell

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And BOOM there went April…

What was I thinking last month that I would get more writing time? I think that I celebrated too early… definitely. I have had some amazing reviews this month, and I’m in awe of people who take the time to review my books. Thank you to anyone who tells others about them, including the by-mouth… Read More

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