posted on November 4, 2013 by Susan Wiggs

A Work-In-Progress

“Revision is a very physical process, best done by hand, much like decoupage.”                                                                         –me, 3:00 p.m.

I’ve never understood writers who work in offices. Or studies. Or ateliers, or at coffee shops. How do they keep from exploding all over the place, like this?


This is the what revisions look like. True revisions. This is the point where I pull everything together–the handwritten notes I’ve kept throughout the writing process, critiqued pages from my writers’ group, e-mails back and forth with my agent and editor, the copy-editor’s pink slips with her queries, my own brainstorms and despairing missives on Post-It notes…My mess just can’t seem to be contained in an office or cubicle. I would be embarrassed to take myself to a coffee shop for this.

Office supplies are key. I have to have really good mechanical pencils, highlighter markers in every color, bankers’ clips, paperclips (the coated variety) and those little sticky tabs that have no name, but which are used to mark pages. Oh, and a wastepaper bag. For obvious reasons, I am forbidden to ask myself, “Why did you spend days writing that scene if you’re only going to toss it out?” No computer, you’ll note. For me, revision is a very physical process, best done by hand, much like decoupage.

Setting is key, too. I’m always amazed by other writers’ offices. They all look so intimidatingly neat and organized. Anyway, I do have a study with shelves and stuff, and sometimes it’s even neat, but that’s not really where I end up doing the real work of writing. I end up all spread out all over the place, including the lounge room which is supposed to be kept spotless for Company. I also need the heather green cashmere blanket–a peek at the weather out the window explains it–and a mug of Mariage Frere Earl Grey French Blue.

candlelightchristmasI imagine that in a few hours, the scene will change. There will be more trash. An empty bag of cheese doodles and some chocolate wrappers.  A big blue exercise ball for doing stretches. I will have gotten up to look through the telescope to see what the people on the mainland are watching on TV. The cordless phone is there, because when I get stuck, I’ll call a girlfriend or my parents or sister or my daughter, and we’ll talk until I’m unstuck. I will mutter and pace, unravel and re-weave blocks of narrative, cut and paste, flip back and forth, flip out. I will consume gallons of hot tea and more carbs than is humanly possible. I will yearn for “original recipe” Girl Scout Cookies with the trans fats intact. I will stay up late and get up early. I will write “The End” and then rewrite it.

And somehow, out of all this chaos, comes a novel.

I hope you enjoy CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS. Head over to Facebook and join the conversation!

One person who comments on today’s blog will win a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Susan Wiggs

Susan Wiggs

Using blunt scissors, pages from a Big Chief tablet, a borrowed stapler and a Number Two pencil, Susan Wiggs self-published her first novel at the age of eight. A Book About Some Bad Kids was based on the true-life adventures of Susan and her siblings, and the first printing of one copy was a complete sell-out.

Due to her brother's extreme reaction to that first prodigious effort, Susan went underground with her craft, entertaining her friends and offending her siblings with anonymously-written stories of virtuous sisters and the brothers who torment them. The first romance she ever read was Shanna by the incomparable Kathleen Woodiwiss, which she devoured while slumped behind a college vector analysis textbook. Armed with degrees from SFA and Harvard, and toting a crate of "keeper" books by Woodiwiss, Roberta Gellis, Laurie McBain, Rosemary Rodgers, Jennifer Blake, Bertrice Small and anything with the words "flaming" and "ecstasy" in the title, she became a math teacher, just to prove to the world that she did have a left brain.

Late one night, she finished the book she was reading and was confronted with a reader's worst nightmare--She was wide awake, and there wasn''t a thing in the house she wanted to read. Figuring this was the universe''s way of taking away her excuses, she picked up a Big Chief tablet and a Number Two pencil, and began writing her novel with the working title, A Book About Some Bad Adults. Actually, that was a bad book about some adults, but Susan persevered, learning her craft the way skydiving is learned--by taking a blind leap and hoping the chute will open.

Her first book was published (without the use of blunt scissors and a stapler) by Zebra in 1987, and since then she has been published by Avon, Tor, HarperCollins, Harlequin, Mira and Warner Books. Unable to completely abandon her beloved teaching profession, Susan is a frequent workshop leader and speaker at writers' conferences, including the Romance Writers of America conference, the PNWA and Maui Writers Conference. She won a RITA award in 1994, and her recent novel The Charm School was voted one of RWA's Favorite Books of the Year. She is the proud recipient of several RT awards, the Peninsula RWA's Blue Boa, the Holt Medallion and the Colorado Award of Excellence.

Susan enjoys many hobbies, including sitting in the hot tub while talking to her mother on the phone, kickboxing, cleaning the can opener, sculpting with butter and growing her hair. She lives on an island in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jay, her daughter, Elizabeth, and an Airedale that hasn't been groomed since 1994.

130 thoughts on “A Work-In-Progress”

  1. teresa Colby says:

    All that hard work and it only takes us a day or so to read your wonderful books…It really is shame isnt it…well keep up the hard work and know that we your readers so appreciate it 🙂 Have a great day

    1. Jane P says:

      All of your hard work is evident in the wonderful novels you produce! Keep the tea hot, carbs close, and the words flowing. 🙂

    2. There is always a method in the chaos! Whatever it takes to get that next book done; go for it!

  2. gilda8599 says:

    I am old fashioned about writing. I first write it out on paper with a mechanical pencil too. Then if I have to type it, I do so but, always write it out first and I still write letters to people by hand and mail them. I think letter writing like that is a lost art anymore. When your writing space looks like that it doesn’t mean its not organized, it’s just your kind of organized. Great blog.

  3. anne mcphillips says:

    Keep up the good work Susan!
    PS: Is there any way you can write as fast as I can read? LOL!

  4. I love what all this leads up to.

  5. Amy Keating Casey says:

    I cannot wait to read this, I love Susan’s books and I especially love Christmas books!!! Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment you bring me!! 🙂

  6. Bette Hansen says:

    That is exactly how my work area would look. Total chaos to some…perfectly normal and organized to me. Candlelight Christmas looks amazing. Can’t wait to read

  7. sherry says:

    love the writer’s space- knowing that we’ll all be rewarded at the end!

  8. I Love it!! I cannot wait for my copy of Candelight Christmas to show up… My delivery was delayed because of snow:( This is the only time i have not liked snow. I s there going to be a story on Max Bellamy from the Lakeshore Chronicles? I would love to read one for him!

  9. Kelly Pierce says:

    Not only do I like your office!!! I really love what I see out the windows!!! I could certainly work in a setting like this!! 🙂

  10. Love all your book.I try to tell people that do not read are missing out on a whole life that is wonderful’Keep up the wonderful writing!!!!

  11. Pam Jones says:

    Hard to believe you can make all that clutter into a wonderful novel for us to enjoy. We would not change a thing!

  12. Merrie Neal says:

    Love all your books! Finished Candlelight Christmas, can’t wait for the next new one. 🙂

  13. Kimberly Perry says:

    Oh my goodness, Susan . . . even when you’re recapping your revision process you still pull me in and make me feel like I’m “there” with you! LOVE the view from your windows, I felt inspired just viewing the photo.

    Thank you for all your hard work writing such awesome stories for us to escape into.

    Living in northern Minnesota, one of my favorite ways to spend a snowy afternoon/evening is curled up a cup of peppermint tea (steeped with leaves from my herb garden) and read one of your books!! Recently unexpectedly unemployed, which isn’t good . . . but the upside is I have plenty of time to read right now. 🙂

    Looking forward to reading Candlelight Christmas by candlelight one night soon.

    Blessings to you and your family ~
    Kimberly Perry

    [email protected]

  14. Just like most people don’t realize how much work goes into producing a glass of milk they also don’t understand what goes into writing a book. I have done a lot of manuscript typing and proofreading for others, so I understand the rewrites and deadlines. I was thrilled when I could do all this on a computer with cutting and pasting and not having to keep retyping pages. I look forward to everyone of your books that are published.

  15. roamingcrone says:

    The creation of novels, much like the creation of sausages, is a messy business!

  16. I look forward to each of your books. Just finished The Apple Orchard and I am hoping the characters show up in future books. Looking forward to Candlelight Christmas.

  17. It’s a lot of work for you for a few hours of enjoyment of your readers. Always wait for your new titles to come out.

  18. Jill Couper says:

    I appreciate all your hard work! I also love going back and reading your books again. I always find a treasure I missed the first time around.

  19. paula Dabel says:

    Love your desk, mine is ten times worse

  20. Diane Evert says:

    Just sitting down to start reading Candlelight Christmas! It’s a wonderful way to start out the week with a brand new book. Me and my dog are wrapped up in a nice snuggly throw and I have a steaming cup of hot chocolate. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  21. laurie says:

    I love your work space. Any place too organized and neat distracts me while I’m working (or playing)! While my spaces may be more scattered with knitting projects, cat toys or even the foster kittens, they are comfortable spaces to me .. and the only way to live is comfortably. I love your space, and your view (mine looks over a lake in Michigan, so I get how important that is). I’d also like to recommend Teavana’s Earl Grey Crème .. never thought I would like anything other than plain Earl Grey.. but this stuff is like crack! Happy revising!!

  22. Susan Rollison says:

    Love the view you have out your windows. If the couch were facing out the “windows” it would probably be impossible to get anything done!

  23. Karen D. says:

    I’m w/ Teresa, I read your books cover to cover…and then will re-read it a few weeks later. Please know that all of your hard work (and carb-intake) is so well worth it!

  24. Sandra says:

    With that pool and lake for your view who would want to leave?! It looks like a relaxing spot for reading, writing and sipping tea.

  25. diane says:

    This just lets the creative juices flow. Being neat and organized is over rated.

  26. How amazing that you do your revisions by hand! I can’t imagine it. Of course I get things in such a mess that I’d have the story out of order in no time flat! Love your space, and you’ve given me an idea for our telescope.

  27. Barb Larson says:

    I’m patiently waiting for my comment to show up at the door!

  28. rosanne green says:

    looks alot like my art “studio”! before I start a project I clean, clean, clean the rest of the house….then I start painting! all goes to hell while I paint around me, but, I get in the zone, and don’t notice till I’m done! Love your books and happy you have your system….and it works! keep up the wonderful books!

  29. Sandie W says:

    Love your workspace, and the view is beautiful!! I love your books and appreciate all the work and love you pour into them. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Everyone has their way to creativity. While I love my laptop, my home office always looks like a copy machine exploded in it…paper everywhere. I deal with reports and while my computer is handy, there is nothing like holding paper in your hand. A pen and highlighter are always next to me; along with a stapler, file folders and a trash can. Yet, my office is my haven. I have a beautiful view of my back yard and I have found I am much more productive than at a coffee shop. I understand your situation perfectly!

  31. Marilyn Hogan says:

    I received the SECOND book of Candlelight Christmas in the Lakeshore Chronicles series for my daughter for her birthday 🙂 I am reading the series in order so it will be a while before I get to the one I ordered for me 🙂
    It’s our 10th Anniversary on 11/7….and then our mini vacation on Thanksgiving so I will have plenty of time to read 🙂 Thanks again Susan for writing such a great series. 🙂

  32. Christina says:

    The family calls it my writing hole. I have a lazygirl (I can’t exactly call it a lazyboy now can I?) in the living room, with a table one one side piled with papers and a chair on the other, also piled with papers, all containing notes from my editor and beta readers. Rewrites are Hell! I especially love the little notes from my editor when I have made a stupid mistake. He makes me laugh and wonder where my head was during that particular writing jaunt. The rewrites take forever and they are a pain, especially when all you want to work on is your next novel, but they are so worth it in the end.

    Keep plugging away and know all your hard work is appreciated, especially by fellow authors!

    1. Christina says:

      ** on one side, not one one side… see, I even need a rewrite here…lol

  33. I love how this work area looks! You can tell this is where the magic happens. Love your books! Blessings!

  34. Angela Simmons says:

    I am just starting the revision process on my first romance novel. I have to agree, it’s easier to do it by hand rather than using a computer.

  35. Heather Neibaur says:

    How great it is to know that you are so invested for the enjoyment of the rest of us! As many books as I read, I guess I’ve never taken the time to think of what all goes into it. I love that you are so real and so relatable. Thank you, thank you for all the hard work you do. 🙂

  36. Sonya says:

    What a magnificent view! That must be the secret to your incredible books… much inspiration from those windows!
    I have always been in awe of how authors put such marvelous ideas on paper; weaving the tapestry of ideas into words that will become a novel . Thank-you so much for all the wonderful “get away” moments I spend reading your books ♥

  37. Not sure I could even write with that scenery in the background, beckoning me and I’m sure eventually winning the pull. I so appreciate you and the stories in your head that inevitably make it to the page and finally into a book. Looking forward to the next great read 🙂

  38. Lisa Redmann says:

    I like that you admit to checking out what the people on the mainland are doing or should I say watching. All your efforts are truly appreciated. It takes amazing people like you to get down on paper what millions can relate to and enjoy. Thank you for what you do.

  39. As one of your new but devoted readers, I just want to thank you for all that hard work and sacrifice!!! 🙂

  40. KimCz says:

    I told my husband the other day that I needed a room that was completely covered in cork board so that I could pin up all of my notes. At least I’d get some exercise roaming around looking for the correct note. Your books are wonderful and amazing which proves your system works for you. Thanks for all of the hard work!

  41. I almost feel bad that after all that work I can read your books in one sitting. They are so good! I have Candlelight Christmas on my iPad to read right now. I am off on Friday so I see a day devoted to reading!

  42. Tammie says:

    I bet you know where every piece of paper is and if anyone touches it, it’s off with their heads. Love your books.

  43. Marsha Saenz-Jones says:

    Thanks for sharing your process! I’m not a writer, but I find I attack projects in much the same way. I’ve tried going to a coffee shop because it sounds so chic, but found it just wasn’t for me. There simply wasn’t enough room to spread out. Love your books & look forward to reading this one!

  44. Kylan says:

    Thank you for all the hard work you put into your books. I, for one, appreciate the escape it gives. 🙂 Looking forward to the next escape!

  45. Carol T. (mizcat) says:

    That’s how my crafting goes… an explosion! Love your working space… and your books!!

  46. I love hearing about the process. It’s good to know that as much love goes into your characters and their stories as I feel when I read it!

  47. margaret peacock says:

    I am so glad to know…not alone in project madness….the process works…..each to our own madness…love it…

  48. Rita Wray says:

    Love your books.

  49. Sharon Simpson says:

    It looks like an inspiring place to write and the spread -outness ( I am not sure that is a word) reminds me of myself when I am working on a writing project!!

  50. denise says:

    your readers appreciate the hard work

  51. Lynna Reed says:

    Think I’ve about read all the books our library has by you – so would enjoy the gift certificate to buy another!! Thanx, Susan!

  52. Juanita Rice says:

    Susan, so happy to see the messiness of writing reaffirmed and know that I am not alone in it! 🙂

  53. Rayne says:

    Love all your books! Your “writing room” looks like my sewing room.

  54. joeym11 says:

    I’m always told to slow down my reading. LOL to many great books to read.
    I can’t write but I sure can read

  55. Donna Blue says:

    You can’t have a finished product without making a mess in the beginning. Really enjoy your books, just bought The Ocean Between Us, can’t wait to get into it.

  56. Sharon Hall says:

    Susan, I so enjoy your books, and can’t even begin to imagine all the work you do to bring joy to your readers!

  57. Forty Paws says:

    What an inspiration! A mess turns into a great book! Looks perfectly fine to me.

  58. Gail Demaree says:

    Doesn’t matter how messy you are when writing your books they always turn out awesome…Thanks for writing them.

  59. Jaimee Brunkhorst says:

    I definitely appreciate all that you do! Love your books! Please keep them coming! 😉

  60. Ev Bedard says:

    I have been involved in a church retreat program for years & usually give a presentation to the group. It can be anywhere from a10 minute to a 30 minute reflection–but it all starts out the same way…neat index cards with separate thoughts on each one, etc. & it ends up with me writing notes on scratch papers (found near my bed for nighttime thoughts or near the computer for daytime ones). I will write key words on paper napkins while having tea with a friend & I will bookmark phrases from various sources. My kitchen table looks like your room when I gather all the notes together–I can’t imagine how much more work your novels take…Keep up the great writing for all of us to enjoy! Evelyn

  61. brandy akers says:

    Thanks so much for the chance to win

  62. Janet Silverman says:

    I’m just a reader…not a writer…but I do love my multiple colored markers and highlighters! I love your books, so you are obviously doing it right!

  63. tomibo33 says:

    Thru all that chaos come the greatest books! I do so enjoy reading them,most of them, more than once!!Thank you ….

  64. Thru all that chaos come the greatest books! I do so enjoy reading them, more than once! Thank You.

  65. I love your books. Please keep up the hard work, you are appreciated!!!!

  66. Deborah Favorito says:

    I would like to know how you get any work done with that fantastic view?? I would spend all my time stearing at that water.

  67. cindy reifel says:

    I LOVE your books and understand that everyone has their own writing process! Actually, yours doesn’t seem nearly as out of control as some I’ve seen!

  68. Kathy Gonzales says:

    I love how real you make the whole process of writing come across, right down to the bag of cheese doodles and staring out the window for inspiration . You are a very talented writer,and I have read nearly every book you have written. I enjoy your narrative style .

  69. karen j says:

    I imagine if I could write, my surroundings would look the same if not worse! But hey, there’s apparently a method to your madness because your books are always wonderful! 🙂

  70. Shari says:

    Can’t wait to read Candlelight Christmas . I have read the whole series.

  71. Diane Murach says:

    The process is fascinating! Making me miss the Pacific Northwest. Candlelight Christmas was happiness!

  72. I love your writer’s space, what a comfortable place to relax.

  73. Sharlene Wegner says:

    My teenaged daughter spreads her homework all over the living room. She gets it done & gets good grades! Whatever works for you & it seems to be working! Can’t wait to read the new book!

  74. Penny Mettert says:

    I enjoyed seeing your process. Really cool. The book sounds great too. I love Christmas themed books. 🙂

  75. Patricia Sherwood says:

    Turning out a novel that grabs and pulls the reader in seems like cooking a fabulous holiday meal; so much hard work and preparation, taking such a long time to create to be eaten in such a short time! I feel that reading a well-crafted story is over far too soon, feeling somewhat deserted by the characters when I’m through. Never aware of how long it took to create, only that it ended sooner than I wanted!

  76. Christine L. says:

    Thank you for sharing your process. Clearly it’s working quite well for you! My own organization style is a bit like yours, only with more of a tornado-just-blew-everything-all-to-heck vibe. I know where each scrap of paper may be found, but doubt that anyone else could locate anything without first sifting through everything! (P.S.: Those sticky flags are a huge boon!)

  77. Linda Shaffer says:

    With a view like that, how do you ever get any work done? Nice!

  78. I call these comfortable office spaces “Chaotic order” (vs “orderly chaos” which is pretty to see -but impossible to find anything!) You have the coziest corner and beautiful views in all directions. I didn’t know your process, but every book of yours that I have read shows it. They incorporate all your planning and thinking and hard work….for me, it is built into the finished work. I have love and enjoyed your books since the first one and now better understand why! ♥

  79. Lynn P. says:

    I have a feeling that this is the way you have always worked from when you self-published your first book at the age of eight. Since you were successful the first time and produced a great book why change what works!

    The only difference from the past is the beautiful view from your house, post-it notes, the length of the book and the length of your words, a paper bag, cordless phone, notes from your editor and writing goup … 🙂

  80. Lacy B. says:

    Looking forward to Susan’s new one. On hold at the library!

  81. Roxane Erickson says:

    A $25 Amazon gift card would be wonderful. First thing I’d buy is one of your amazing books. Keep them coming. Enjoy every one.

  82. Shirla Ghadaki says:

    I really enjoyed your description of the revisions, etc. I read this book over the weekend…good story.

  83. Jennifer Essad says:

    after Thanksgiving I like to sit and address my Christmas Cards – enjoy holiday music and hand write notes or letters in our cards, this takes me days but I feel it’s a way to stay connected at least once a year. – thanks for a chance to win, I can’t wait to read “CandleLight Christmas”

  84. Michelle says:

    My “area” looks like that after studying for Nursing exams. Everything starts off “organized,” and as I dig into the subject matter, chaos follows! I’m happy to see that some authors still use pen/pencil and paper to do edits and I have appreciated your books for many years.

  85. Angela Quinalty Grubb says:

    I prefer writing everything out too…

  86. Laurie says:

    The best part of this blog is getting to see the process behind your amazing stories. Something we would not normally have the privilege to see!

  87. Brandi Evans says:

    Whatever the process, sweat and added calories it works. Your novels are emotional, funny and endearing.

  88. Kathy Clark says:

    It looks neater than my desk in my medical office. Can I come swim in your pool?

  89. Vicki P says:

    I can understand the need for office supplies! I’m not a writer, but as a teacher, color coding was invaluable! 😉
    Btw…I just picked up The Apple Orchard and Just Breathe audiobooks…can’t wait to get started…always listen to audiobooks on my walks!

  90. Sandy Heath says:

    I cannot wait to read your new Christmas book. I will appreciate the finished product even more after the insight into your creative process!

  91. Kelly B. says:

    I love how you still do your writing by hand and the list of office supplies. Oh, one of my favorite things to shop for. I love your writing space, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  92. Lois Ann Reed says:

    Oh, it is all worth it! I got my copy in the mail, and am savoring the feel of it. I love holding a new book. It will be my holiday book treat to myself, so I am excitedly waiting to start it. I am reading something else now, and I won’t read two books at the same time. Merry, merry season to all!

  93. mary says:

    my favorite author Susan Wiggs, writes the best stories in the comfort of her own diggs!

  94. KateS says:

    I haven’t written anything like a book, but I do remember college papers…and I’m so old I remember doing the typewriter thing with bottom margins and having to figure in the footnotes…huge nightmare … index cards and notes… So I do appreciate all your hard work … ps do you use colored paper in your editing? we used it in the General Assembly to show changed/updated legislation in progress.

  95. Carol Henslee says:

    Was so happy when my pre-ordered Candlelight Christmas arrived. Your books are always such a pleasure to read. Absolutely loveThe Lakeshore Chronicles.

  96. Virginia Rush says:

    well I really like the idea of chocolate wrappers joining the papers on the desk!!! LOl and appreciate the contests

  97. Ina says:

    I just received your book “Candlelight Christmas” in the mail an hour ago and intend to go home, very soon, make myself a good cup of tea, light a candle, snuggle up with my dog and a warm blanket on my couch and devour every page of your latest book… it 5, yet?

  98. ellen melson says:

    I love all your books…Keep writing and I will keep reading….

  99. Cheri Howard says:

    I (unfortunately) don’t think about all the hard work that goes into writing the story I am enjoying. I am just involved in the story and going right along with the characters that are in the story. I always feel like I am right there with them. Sorry you have to work so hard, but I sure enjoy the end results.

  100. Tracy says:

    Wow the view is beautiful! What ever it takes to tell your story is fine by me!

  101. Cindy Gasper says:

    So can’t wait for your next book. Wish you could write faster LOL 🙂 Thanks for all the good reads!!!

  102. Diane says:

    Can’t wait to read this one. Really enjoy the series!

  103. Jennifer Huelsebusch says:

    Love the Lakeshore Chronicles!! My copy will arrive soon!!!! Can’t wait to start it!!

  104. Lynn Allen says:

    I truly appreciate all your work with writing and editing!!!! Thank you for all you do!!

  105. Revision, sweet revision. I’ll never be fast, but every pass gets better. I promise to stop one day. I used to spread out on the sofa like this, but my cat likes to bat the pages around so I’m back to desks and computers. Thanks for the post, and the encouragement.

  106. April V. says:

    Those sticky tabs used to mark pages are called flags! And I don’t write but I would have to have a table of some sort. I’d probably have just as much paper strewn about but I would have to have a way to have separate piles for everything so I wouldn’t get the revisions mixed up with the unrevised and so on. And I’d probably be drinking Assam instead of Earl Grey but essentially I’d have a big mess like that too. Up to and including the empty bag of cheese doodles and chocolate wrappers! Office supplies are key too – but, I must admit I prefer paper clips that are uncoated because I don’t like the stickiness of the coated ones.

  107. April McDaniel says:

    Sounds like you have a great system! I started Candlelight Christmas this weekend & I already love it!

  108. Theresa N says:

    That’s a lot of work.

  109. Carolyn Swinhart says:

    That’s funny I like drinking hot tea with girl scout cookies (thin mints) while reading your books. lol. Keep writing.

  110. Marti Cummings says:

    I can’t wait to see the finished product…bet it will be worth the wait.

  111. Connie says:

    I have a fascination with how authors do what they do, so thank you for a voyeuristic peek into your process! It looks painful, but it obviously works well for you.

  112. Louise Laba says:

    Love the picture of your writing area. Wonderful view! Your books are wonderful. Please don’t ever stop writing.

  113. Deb Brennan says:

    I loved The Apple Orchard and I am so excited to read Candlelight Christmas! I pre-order every one of your books as soon as I hear about them because I know each one will be wonderful! I can’t thank you enough for all the joy you have brought into my life.

  114. I can’t imagine how you come up with all the stories you write about,but keep on writing cause I love your books….whatever it takes,Earl Grey tea,chocolate,sticky notes ,colored markers,carbs,girlfriends,unorganized room,or family……just keep em comimg.Cant imagine life without Susan Wiggs !!!!!

  115. Catherine Crook says:

    I am no writer, by any means… but this is what it looks like when I am trying to figure out what to read next. So much goes into what I will start next, I keep post-its on books to remind me just WHO recommended I buy the book. I love post-its and even got these awesome mustache ones from my boss!

  116. Belinda Ellis says:

    I don’t think it’s possible to be creative in an over organized area! Out of chaos comes inspiration!

  117. Nancy P says:

    Loved reading The Apple Orchard… I hope there will be a follow-up 🙂

  118. suekey12 says:

    i’m not a writer–I’m an accountant, but my office spills out all over the house, too. I’ve never been able to keep a neat as a pin office and get any work done.

  119. Gail W. says:

    Loved it and can’t wait for the next one. You Rock!

  120. Love your view so peaceful. Washington state is gorgeous. I’ve only been there twice but I do hope to go back.

    It must be very difficult to have to cut out some of your words and scenes from your creation. I’m sure chocolate does help ease the pain!

    I admire the dedication it takes to get a book written and published. I’m looking forward to reading your Christmas gift to us CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS!

  121. Marijo W says:

    I’ve never written books or anything of that type but I quilt and my sewing room tends to look like that as I am working on a project. I very rarely follow the original directions and tend to rework the pattern, causing me to have sketches, fabric and chaos everywhere. I love your books and when I need a break from my chaos I sit down and read one of your wonderful creations. Thanks for doing what you do!

  122. gail Wrightson says:

    Oh My Goodness Susan. I thought I was the only person in the world who when writing, drawing, crafting, had things everywhere that I would be the only person who would know exactly where this one statement, or email or picture was located at in this wonderful mess of words and thoughts and lifes that come alive when I put them together. Thank You Susan for you work, your words, your books that are written with all your personal touch and Thank you for sharing your personal mess that we so have incommon with. Keep on keeping on and God Bless you. Happy Holidays!

  123. I don’t envy you the job of revisions, but I do envy you for the room. I would never get anything done, for just staring out the windows.

  124. I say “Ditto” as I work through the ” final read” of my first novel…for the eighth time!I wonder how many more” final reads” will suffice! If only I had the view you have!

  125. Laura Marsh says:

    Love your books please keep writing

  126. Janice Kroll says:

    I love your view while you work. I saw a wonderful article a while back in Coastal Living.
    Looking forward to reading the book around the holidays!

  127. Bunny Hand says:

    Reading Candlelight Christmas right now…Should exercise, get ready for work, etc. but the call of the book will take me right up to the deadline. There are revisions in all creative work. Part of the journey and part of the fun. My studio is full of WIPs!

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