The Seduction of Sean Nolan

by Treva Harte

Ellora's Cave

Sensual: Paranormal, Paranormal Romance: Time Travel

June 1, 2001

ISBN-13: 184360034X

Available in: e-Book

The Seduction of Sean Nolan
by Treva Harte

Sean Nolan lay dying in a Civil War hospital with no regrets but one: he was about to die a virgin. Half delirious from the pain, the young soldier made one last wish, never expecting it to be fulfilled, never expecting a provocative older woman to grant him what he assumed was to be his last request...

Sexual Content: Rated NC-17. Genre: Paranormal/Time Travel.

Treva Harte's Bio

Treva Harte read far too many romances for far too long. One day the inevitable happened. She started writing her own brand of romance.

She claims taking care of the family's neurotic miniature dachshund and raising two elementary school age kids is a full time job itself, but in addition she works as an attorney in a city with many other attorneys. She and her husband both like writing in whatever time they have left, so they often fight over -- sorry, since they are attorneys they NEGOTIATE -- keyboard time.