When Lightning Strikes

by Sydney Somers

New Concepts Publishing

Sensual: Erotica, Contemporary Romance: Sensual

October 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0000000225

Available in: e-Book

When Lightning Strikes
by Sydney Somers

Emma Myles has fought long and hard to forget the one man who set her senses on fire and then left her with a broken heart. But when she winds up trapped in an elevator with him, Emma must acknowledge that her desire for him is still very much alive. No matter how hard he tries, Seth Fraser cannot erase the haunting memories of Emma from his mind, and he will do whatever it takes to remind her exactly how hot they can be.

Sydney Somers' Bio

A born and raised Maritimer, Sydney Somers fell in love with writing at the age of eight. Since finishing her first book in 2002, Sydney has written over twenty-five romances—one of which will forever remain hidden under her bed.

When she's not tracking down remote controls, chasing two very energetic little boys or exterminating rogue dust bunnies, Sydney can be found curled up with a good book or working on her next sexy paranormal romance. She loves to hear from readers and invites them to e-mail her anytime.