Lisa Marie Takes Off

by Susan Hubbard

Red Dress Ink

Literature and Fiction: Chick Lit

April 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 0373895178

Available in: Paperback

Lisa Marie Takes Off
by Susan Hubbard

With her boyfriend, the enigmatic McAllister, researching his latest book in London, and her thirtieth birthday fast approaching, what better opportunity to take off? But in London, the solid ground under Lisa Maria's heels gives way. McAllister has fallen under the influence of his bloodless editor, Lisa Maria's advice column is under legal attack and (worst of all) she's sprouted two gray hairs. Now, between fending off a crude rock star, impersonating a Brit and learning to strut in bamboo stilettos, Lisa Maria's feeling something she hasn't felt in a while: out of control -- and more than a little heartsick. Ah, to be young(ish), jealous and exceptionally good at revenge. But how far should any woman go in the interest of romantic justice? Just ask Lisa Maria - a feisty American fighting for love in London. Susan Hubbard is the author of Lisa Maria's Guide for the Perplexed, the prequel to this book, as well as Walking on Ice and Blue Money. She teaches creative writing at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, and she is the founder and curator of the Gallery of Questionable Taste.

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