A Christmas Promise

by Shelley Bradley


Historical Romance

December 10, 2001

ISBN-13: 0821771868

Available in: Paperback

A Christmas Promise
by Shelley Bradley

Shelley Bradley's Bio

Shelley Bradley lives in the southwest with her husband and daughter, juggling the many roles in her life: writer, mother, wife and all around laundress. She refuses to pick up an iron. Shelley also squeezes in time for fun activities like reading, obsessively studying all things Harry Potter, watching (again) every episode of Trading Spaces, doing step aerobics and weightlifting, and listening to an eclectic blend of music. Who else would have Depeche Mode, Tchaikovsky, the soundtrack to Broadway's Mamma Mia and Disney Princess songs in her car's CD player all at once?

The author of sizzling contemporary, erotic and historical romances, Shelley has been a member of Romance Writers of America for over fifteen years and has won or placed in over a dozen contests, including the Golden Heart.