Disguised Enchantment

by S. Quinn McAfee

Atlantic Bridge Publishing (Liquid Silver Books)

Sensual: Contemporary

May 18, 2004

ISBN-13: 1595780092

Available in: e-Book

Disguised Enchantment
by S. Quinn McAfee

Talented artist, Shannon McAllister, had come to Los Angeles with her heart set on finding employment as a Needle Arts designer for a large craft company. Achieving such a lofty goal, however, proved to be much harder than she expected leaving her no alternative but to accept a clerk's job at the Tapestry Boutique.

When her meddlesome co-worker, Donna, presented her with a business card for the "best dating service" in town, Shannon found herself at the extravagant Beverly Hills mansion, the Chateau L"Cost, face to face with the establishment's infamous, sexy, black-masked gigolo, the Marquis. Both shocked and frightened by his blatant sexual advances, Shannon escaped relatively unscathed from her first encounter with the virile Marquis, but through his romantic persistence, she is drawn back to him and his erotic charm.

Yet even as she fell in love with the sensual Marquis, Shannon despaired over her growing feelings for the devilishly handsome actor, Ben Tate, who had a way of popping into her life at just the right moment to rescue her from some dreadful predicaments.

Beautiful Shannon, her heart once fill with dreams and high hopes for her career, was now a soul tormented...torn between the affections of two blue-eyed men.

S. Quinn McAfee's Bio

A native Pennsylvanian, S. Quinn McAfee was bitten by the writing bug in junior high when her Christmas story was voted the best of her entire eighth grade English class. Years later, she discovered the urge to write was stronger than ever, and decided to study journalism and fiction writing through a correspondence course with the Newspaper Institute of America.

Presently, Ms. McAfee finds writing romantic fiction a relaxing escape from the trials and tribulations of every day life, and hopes her first erotica novel, DISGUISED ENCHANTMENT, carries readers to that wonderful world of pleasurable escapism as well.

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