Scandalous Lovers

by Robin Schone


Historical Romance

February 1, 2007



Available in: e-Book

Scandalous Lovers
by Robin Schone

Frances Hart spent her life as a devoted wife and mother. Now, newly widowed, she is determined to discover all Victorian London has to offer and to experience real passion for the first time. Acclaimed barrister James Whitcox knows no equal among his peers, but he also knows there’s more to life than professional expertise and duty. He is determined to be equally versed in the pleasures of the flesh. To that end, he joins the very secret Men and Women’s Club, an exclusive society founded to examine and explore the many aspects of human sexuality. And when their paths cross, Frances’s honesty and need inspire James to action: Together they will tutor each other in physical desire, in passion...and in love.

Also published February 2007 in trade paperback by Kensington Brava.

Robin Schone's Bio

My life has been ruled by...DINOSAURS, ROMANCE & SEX.

You are no doubt asking yourself what do dinosaurs have to do with romance and or (gasp) sex?

No, I am not into bestiality.

It's really quite simple. You see, when I was six years old, my mother took me to a double matinee. One movie was about dinosaurs (which I loved) and the other was a sappy romance (or so I thought at the time) which she loved.

Well, it took a few years, but I finally decided there is something to that man-woman stuff. I read my first romance novel at the age of twelve (These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer), and I read my first erotic novel when I was fifteen (The Way of a Maid by Mario Clement). Now I write ... Erotic romance books.

Where does my love of dinosaurs fit into all this?

Archeology (or paleontology, for you etymologists out there).

Which in turn led me to explore ancient cultures.

Think India and Tantra, the Indian Cult of Ecstasy.

Or in modern history, think Arabia and The Perfumed Garden of Cheikh Nefzaoui, an Arabic treatise on erotic love.

I love reading about sexual practices in faraway times and places, then passing on to you, my readers, tidbits of historical erotica.