Twice Bitten

by Rayna Vause

Dreamspinner Press

Paranormal Romance

July 17, 2018

Available in: e-Book

Twice Bitten
by Rayna Vause

With a new species of vampire stalking the streets, the stakes are high. But that’s not the only reason hearts are on the line.

Danny Reynolds thought Kieran McCade was the one—true love and hot lust forever—until Danny found out Kier’s bloody secret and ran away screaming. Months later, Danny is facing his own paranormal crisis, and he needs Kieran’s help, but are there enough ways to apologize for breaking a vampire’s heart?

Nothing about Danny’s transformation is normal—not the attack that led to it, and not the symptoms Danny’s plagued with—but being in close proximity to Kieran is even worse than becoming a thing that goes bump in the night. Danny and Kieran aren’t the only things threatening to bump each other off, though. Secret organizations and clashing vigilante agendas want to get their hands on Danny. His only hope is to find a fix for his problem before he’s either captured or his abnormal transition starves him to death.

Danny and Kieran might have a real chance to repair their broken romance… but only if they keep Danny alive!

Rayna Vause's Bio

Rayna Vause is a lifetime learner who wants to live on a Disney cruise ship traveling the world and thinks purple should be considered a natural hair color. She loves to craft tales full of mystery, magic, and adventure and is a proud geek who injects a little bit of her geeky, tech-obsessed soul into every story. Rayna has collected degrees in English, Computer Information Systems, Radiologic Science, and Physician Assistant Studies. She's planned readers and writers conference for more then ten years and has spent a great deal of time serving on the boards of various writers organization. Rayna is a member of RWA Philadelphia Romance Writers, and RWANYC. When she isn't writing, she's likely indulging her love of video games, knitting, planning her next trip to Disney, working through her massive TBR pile, or plotting her next novel. She is represented by Jill Marsal of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency Author Photo by Marti Corn Photography.