The Casebook of Doakes and Haig

by Patrick Welch

Twilight Times Books

Mystery: Anthology, Science Fiction / Fantasy: Anthology

July 5, 2004

ISBN-13: 1931201145

Available in: Paperback

The Casebook of Doakes and Haig
by Patrick Welch

England circa 1950: in this universe, England is still a colonial power. America remains a colony, there are no cars, planes, telephones or electric power, and leprechauns walk the streets unknown and undetected. Doakes (human) and Haig (leprechaun) are merchants, purveyors to the crown, but through a series of unusual circumstances become criminal consultants. They use detective skills and unexpected leprechaun powers to solve a series of baffling crimes in The Casebook of Doakes and Haig. Why would a Sioux Indian slay a gardener on an English lord's estate? Can Doakes and Haig prevent the murder of another leprechaun ...and should they? What is the real secret of Manoa, the fabled Lost City of Gold? Why would anyone be interested in stealing cats, especially Egyptian Maus? These questions and more are answered in this collection of five stories and a novella by award-winning author Patrick Welch.

Other Books by Patrick Welch