White as Snow

by Morgana de Winter

New Concepts Publishing

Sensual: Fantasy

August 1, 2003

ISBN-13: 1586084119

Available in: e-Book

White as Snow
by Morgana de Winter

His name was the essence of nightmares ... his domain the birthplace of despair. No sane man would venture there, but for the sake of her father's life, Bianca the Pure must willingly go to the embrace of the black knight ... Damian Alessandro.

To break the curse holding him in thrall, Damian is willing to do anything, even seduce innocent Bianca Bordeaux. But he soon finds himself bewitched ... and in more peril than he could have ever imagined....

Rating: Contains explicit language and graphic sex.

Other Books by Morgana de Winter

Morgana de Winter's Bio

Morgana loves delving into the dark side of fantasy, and her books often reflect her fascination with vampires, necromancers, lycanthropes, and other creatures of the dark. She would love to hear what you think about her work. Her email address is [email protected].