Lighthearted Lust

by Michele R. Bardsley, MaryJanice Davidson, Chris Tanglen

Ellora's Cave

Sensual: Anthology, Sensual: Contemporary

October 23, 2003

ISBN-13: 184360664X

Available in: e-Book

Lighthearted Lust
by Michele R. Bardsley, MaryJanice Davidson, Chris Tanglen

There's No Such Thing As A Werewolf By MaryJanice Davidson
He's a doctor. Blind from birth. Alone and lonely his entire life. more thing: he's a werewolf. She's homeless. And too young by far. Worst of all, she's crazy: she thinks she can fly. And keeps leaping off buildings to prove it.

Is it lust? Is it love? Anything's possible...if there's such a thing as werewolves.

The Lust Bastion By Michele R. Bardsley
A relationship-challenged...okay, lonely and desperate...woman searches for the perfect sex toy, but her new vibrator gives her more than she bargains for: a cursed Egyptian prince who obeys her every sensual command.

Drenched With Affection By Chris Tanglen
Tim realized that his marriage was in trouble when his wife plowed through their home with a bulldozer. Now, divorced and lonely, he's vowed not to repeat his past mistakes and to become the most attentive, affectionate romantic partner possible!

Melody, a writer living with a handsome boy-toy seventeen years her junior, thought her life was least until her boy-toy dumped her. Now, just like Tim, Melody has vowed not to repeat her past mistakes and to become the most attentive, affectionate romantic partner possible! When the two meet, will it be a love affair...or a love competition?

Sexual Content: S-ensuous. Genre: Werewolf/Paranormal/Contemporary.

Michele R. Bardsley's Bio

Award-winning author Michele R. Bardsley spends her days begging her toddler son to PLEASE sit on the potty, avoiding her preteen daughter's Room of the Unknown, and answering her husband's silly questions (like "Honey, why is my sock glued to floor?").
Her hobbies include ingesting huge quantities of chocolate and drawing smiley faces in the dust on her furniture. She's been accused of plant homicide (you mean you have to water those green thingies?) and has been named Queen of Housework Procrastination. In between the duties of her fantastically interesting life (yawn), she writes novels and short stories and grand excuses about how her husband's socks get stuck to the carpet.