Rescued by a Bridesmaid

Bridesmaid Series Book 3

by Melinda Curtis


Contemporary Romance

December 16, 2017

ISBN-13: 9781981675081

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size (reprint)

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Rescued by a Bridesmaid
by Melinda Curtis

Long before Scarlet became a Bonander of the New York Bon-Bon Chocolate Bonanders, she grew up on the wild side of the Appalachians. Now this country girl turned debutante needs to head to the wilds of Ecuador to find her cousin's missing groom in time for the wedding. All she's got is her toothless Uncle Cletus, a beat-up motorcycle with a sidecar, and the sexy best man, Mike Romero to conquer rough terrain, territorial spiders, and one nasty drug lord who bears a striking resemblance to Mike.

Originally published June 2016 in eBook by Purple Papaya, LLC.

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Melinda Curtis' Bio

Prior to writing romance, award-winning, USA Today bestseller Melinda Curtis was a junior manager for a Fortune 500 company, which meant when she flew on the private jet she was relegated to the jump seat---otherwise known as the potty. After grabbing her pen (and a parachute) she made the jump to full-time writer. Between writing sweet romance for Harlequin and indie-pubbed sweet romantic comedy, Melinda finds time to relax with her husband over home remodeling projects. She recently came to grips with the fact that she's an empty nester and a grandma, concepts easier to grasp than jet-setting on a potty.