Jacquot and the Waterman

by Martin O'Brien

Minotaur Books

Mystery: Police Procedural

January 10, 2006

ISBN-13: 031234998X

Available in: Hardcover

Jacquot and the Waterman
by Martin O'Brien

Set in the sunlit port of Marseilles, the first novel in the Jacquot series follows Chief Inspector Daniel Jacquot+s investigation into a series of disturbing killings-beautiful female victims found battered and submerged in water. Former rugby star Jacquot is a lover of good food, wine and the blues, but this easygoing charm disguises his razor sharp eye for detail. So after his girlfriend leaves him, the French sleuth is free to plunge himself wholeheartedly into the investigation-one that leads him into much darker and murkier waters than he could have imagined.