Murder Most Crafty

by Maggie Bruce, Susan Wittig Albert, Monica Ferris

Berkley Pub Group

Mystery: Anthology

April 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 0425202062

Available in: Hardcover

Murder Most Crafty
by Maggie Bruce, Susan Wittig Albert, Monica Ferris

15 All-new Stories of Criminal Handiwork and The Art of Deduction

Handicrafts are fast becoming a favorite American pasttime. Another, of course, is a good mystery. Combine the two and you have this delightfully different anthology on the art and craft of murder, in which the likes of knitting needles, handblown glass, wood files, and adhesives prove to be implements of a nastier sort of handiwork.

A big-name anthology on the art of craft and murder. Features bestselling authors Susan Wittig Albert, Judith Kelman, Monica Ferris, Margaret Maron, and others.

Maggie Bruce's Bio

Maggie Bruce, the creator of the Lili Marino series, is otherwise known as Marilyn Wallace, editor of the award- winning five-volume Sisters in Crime anthologies, co-editor of Deadly Allies, and the author of several mystery and suspense novels.