By A Silken Thread

by M K Mancos

Samhain Publishing

Contemporary Romance: Sensual, Paranormal Romance, Sensual: Contemporary

July 7, 2009

ISBN-10: 160504315X

ISBN-13: 9781605043159

Available in: Trade Size

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By A Silken Thread
by M K Mancos

Two women...linked by one deadly memory.

On an ice-encrusted road in New Jersey, Tara Johanan loses control of her car and drives off an embankment. At the same moment in Palmetto Springs, Florida, in an unwitnessed attack, Charlotte Durand is shot in the head and left for dead.

Both women die. Both return. But near-death experiences are not always straightforward. Tara woke up with the voice and memories of a comatose woman in her head. And she can remember a shooting she never witnessed.

Telling the family a loved one is the victim of a violent crime is the worst part of the job for Detective Marcus Danforth. When his stepsister is the victim, and the loved ones his family and best friend, it's crippling. He'll do anything to uncover the mystery of Charlotte's shooting.

Believing the story of a beautiful accident victim may be too much for him—even in the face of overwhelming desire. Even as the shadows of death grow darker.

M K Mancos' Bio

MK Mancos began her storytelling about the same time she acquired language skills. When faced with nightmares as a child, the pediatrician instructed her mother to read her stories before bed. But being the precocious child she was, she wanted nothing but unadulterated tales by the Brothers Grimm. The battle raged between MK and her mother over suitable bedtime material, until MK was forced to begin telling herself tales before going to sleep. Thus began the lifelong love of books, stories, and lives not her own.

After living for years in the Midwest and Deep South, MK now resides in New Jersey with her wonderful husband, Dave, and her temperamental cat, Kittygirl.